RegIf ===== Register Interface Builder - Automatic address, fields allocation and conflict detection - 28 Register Access types(Covering the 25 types defined by the UVM standard) - Automatic documentation generation Automatic allocation -------------------- Automatic address allocation .. code:: scala class RegBankExample extends Component{ val io = new Bundle{ apb = Apb3(Apb3Config(16,32)) } val busif = Apb3BusInterface(io.apb,(0x0000, 100 Byte) val M_REG0 = busif.newReg(doc="REG0") val M_REG1 = busif.newReg(doc="REG1") val M_REG2 = busif.newReg(doc="REG2") val M_REGn = busif.newRegAt(address=0x40, doc="REGn") val M_REGn1 = busif.newReg(doc="REGn1") busif.accept(HtmlGenerator("regif.html", "AP")) // busif.accept(CHeaderGenerator("header.h", "AP")) // busif.accept(JsonGenerator("regif.json")) } .. image:: /asset/image/regif/reg-auto-allocate.gif Automatic fileds allocation .. code:: scala val M_REG0 = busif.newReg(doc="REG1") val fd0 = M_REG0.field(Bits(2 bit), RW, doc= "fields 0") M_REG0.reserved(5 bits) val fd1 = M_REG0.field(Bits(3 bit), RW, doc= "fields 0") val fd2 = M_REG0.field(Bits(3 bit), RW, doc= "fields 0") //auto reserved 2 bits val fd3 = M_REG0.fieldAt(pos=16, Bits(4 bit), doc= "fields 3") //auto reserved 12 bits .. image:: /asset/image/regif/field-auto-allocate.gif confilict detection .. code:: scala val M_REG1 = busif.newReg(doc="REG1") val r1fd0 = M_REG1.field(Bits(16 bits), RW, doc="fields 1") val r1fd2 = M_REG1.field(Bits(18 bits), RW, doc="fields 1") ... cause Exception val M_REG1 = busif.newReg(doc="REG1") val r1fd0 = M_REG1.field(Bits(16 bits), RW, doc="fields 1") val r1fd2 = M_REG1.field(offset=10, Bits(2 bits), RW, doc="fields 1") ... cause Exception 28 Access Types --------------- Most of these come from UVM specification ========== ============================================================================= ==== AccessType Description From ========== ============================================================================= ==== RO w: no effect, r: no effect UVM RW w: as-is, r: no effect UVM RC w: no effect, r: clears all bits UVM RS w: no effect, r: sets all bits UVM WRC w: as-is, r: clears all bits UVM WRS w: as-is, r: sets all bits UVM WC w: clears all bits, r: no effect UVM WS w: sets all bits, r: no effect UVM WSRC w: sets all bits, r: clears all bits UVM WCRS w: clears all bits, r: sets all bits UVM W1C w: 1/0 clears/no effect on matching bit, r: no effect UVM W1S w: 1/0 sets/no effect on matching bit, r: no effect UVM W1T w: 1/0 toggles/no effect on matching bit, r: no effect UVM W0C w: 1/0 no effect on/clears matching bit, r: no effect UVM W0S w: 1/0 no effect on/sets matching bit, r: no effect UVM W0T w: 1/0 no effect on/toggles matching bit, r: no effect UVM W1SRC w: 1/0 sets/no effect on matching bit, r: clears all bits UVM W1CRS w: 1/0 clears/no effect on matching bit, r: sets all bits UVM W0SRC w: 1/0 no effect on/sets matching bit, r: clears all bits UVM W0CRS w: 1/0 no effect on/clears matching bit, r: sets all bits UVM WO w: as-is, r: error UVM WOC w: clears all bits, r: error UVM WOS w: sets all bits, r: error UVM W1 w: first one after hard reset is as-is, other w have no effects, r: no effect UVM WO1 w: first one after hard reset is as-is, other w have no effects, r: error UVM NA w: reserved, r: reserved New W1P w: 1/0 pulse/no effect on matching bit, r: no effect New W0P w: 0/1 pulse/no effect on matching bit, r: no effect New ========== ============================================================================= ==== Automatic documentation generation ---------------------------------- Document Type ========== ============================================================================= ====== Document Usage Status ========== ============================================================================= ====== HTML ``busif.accept(HtmlGenerator("regif", title = "XXX register file"))`` Y CHeader ``busif.accept(CHeaderGenerator("header", "AP"))`` Y JSON ``busif.accept(JsonGenerator("regif"))`` Y RALF(UVM) ``busif.accept(RalfGenerator("header"))`` Y Latex(pdf) N docx N ========== ============================================================================= ====== HTML auto-doc is now complete, Example source Code: .. RegIfExample link: .. Axi4liteRegIfExample link: generated HTML document: .. image:: /asset/image/regif/regif-html.png Example ------- Batch creat REG-Address and fields register .. code:: scala import spinal.lib.bus.regif._ class RegBank extends Component { val io = new Bundle { val apb = slave(Apb3(Apb3Config(16, 32))) val stats = in Vec(Bits(16 bit), 10) val IQ = out Vec(Bits(16 bit), 10) } val busif = Apb3BusInterface(io.apb, (0x000, 100 Byte), regPre = "AP") (0 to 9).map{ i => //here use setName give REG uniq name for Docs usage val REG = busif.newReg(doc = s"Register${i}").setName(s"REG${i}") val real = REG.field(SInt(8 bit), AccessType.RW, 0, "Complex real") val imag = REG.field(SInt(8 bit), AccessType.RW, 0, "Complex imag") val stat = REG.field(Bits(16 bit), AccessType.RO, 0, "Accelerator status") io.IQ(i)( 7 downto 0) := real.asBits io.IQ(i)(15 downto 8) := imag.asBits stat := io.stats(i) } def genDocs() = { busif.accept(CHeaderGenerator("regbank", "AP")) busif.accept(HtmlGenerator("regbank", "Interupt Example")) busif.accept(JsonGenerator("regbank")) busif.accept(RalfGenerator("regbank")) } this.genDocs() } SpinalVerilog(new RegBank()) Interrupt Factory ----------------- Manual writing interruption .. code:: scala class cpInterruptExample extends Component { val io = new Bundle { val tx_done, rx_done, frame_end = in Bool() val interrupt = out Bool() val apb = slave(Apb3(Apb3Config(16, 32))) } val busif = Apb3BusInterface(io.apb, (0x000, 100 Byte), regPre = "AP") val M_CP_INT_RAW = busif.newReg(doc="cp int raw register") val tx_int_raw = M_CP_INT_RAW.field(Bool(), W1C, doc="tx interrupt enable register") val rx_int_raw = M_CP_INT_RAW.field(Bool(), W1C, doc="rx interrupt enable register") val frame_int_raw = M_CP_INT_RAW.field(Bool(), W1C, doc="frame interrupt enable register") val M_CP_INT_FORCE = busif.newReg(doc="cp int force register\n for debug use") val tx_int_force = M_CP_INT_FORCE.field(Bool(), RW, doc="tx interrupt enable register") val rx_int_force = M_CP_INT_FORCE.field(Bool(), RW, doc="rx interrupt enable register") val frame_int_force = M_CP_INT_FORCE.field(Bool(), RW, doc="frame interrupt enable register") val M_CP_INT_MASK = busif.newReg(doc="cp int mask register") val tx_int_mask = M_CP_INT_MASK.field(Bool(), RW, doc="tx interrupt mask register") val rx_int_mask = M_CP_INT_MASK.field(Bool(), RW, doc="rx interrupt mask register") val frame_int_mask = M_CP_INT_MASK.field(Bool(), RW, doc="frame interrupt mask register") val M_CP_INT_STATUS = busif.newReg(doc="cp int state register") val tx_int_status = M_CP_INT_STATUS.field(Bool(), RO, doc="tx interrupt state register") val rx_int_status = M_CP_INT_STATUS.field(Bool(), RO, doc="rx interrupt state register") val frame_int_status = M_CP_INT_STATUS.field(Bool(), RO, doc="frame interrupt state register") rx_int_raw.setWhen(io.rx_done) tx_int_raw.setWhen(io.tx_done) frame_int_raw.setWhen(io.frame_end) rx_int_status := (rx_int_raw || rx_int_force) && (!rx_int_mask) tx_int_status := (tx_int_raw || rx_int_force) && (!rx_int_mask) frame_int_status := (frame_int_raw || frame_int_force) && (!frame_int_mask) io.interrupt := rx_int_status || tx_int_status || frame_int_status } this is a very tedious and repetitive work, a better way is to use the "factory" paradigm to auto-generate the documentation for each signal. now th InterruptFactory can do that. Easy Way creat interruption: .. code:: scala class EasyInterrupt extends Component { val io = new Bundle{ val apb = slave(Apb3(Apb3Config(16,32))) val a, b, c, d, e = in Bool() } val busif = BusInterface(io.apb,(0x000,1 KiB), 0, regPre = "AP") busif.interruptFactory("T", io.a, io.b, io.c, io.d, io.e) busif.accept(CHeaderGenerator("intrreg","AP")) busif.accept(HtmlGenerator("intrreg", "Interupt Example")) busif.accept(JsonGenerator("intrreg")) busif.accept(RalfGenerator("intrreg")) } .. image:: /asset/image/regif/easy-intr.png Interrupt Design Spec ===================== IP level interrupt Factory -------------------------- ========== ========== ====================================================================== Register AccessType Description ========== ========== ====================================================================== RAW W1C int raw register, set by int event, clear when bus write 1 FORCE RW int force register, for SW debug use MASK RW int mask register, 1: off; 0: open; defualt 1 int off STATUS RO int status, Read Only, ``status = (raw || force) && ! mask`` ========== ========== ====================================================================== .. image:: /asset/image/intc/RFMS.svg SpinalUsage: .. code:: scala busif.interruptFactory("T", io.a, io.b, io.c, io.d, io.e) SYS level interrupt merge ------------------------- ========== ========== ====================================================================== Register AccessType Description ========== ========== ====================================================================== MASK RW int mask register, 1: off; 0: open; defualt 1 int off STATUS RO int status, RO, ``status = int_level && ! mask`` ========== ========== ====================================================================== .. image:: /asset/image/intc/MS.svg SpinalUsage: .. code:: scala busif.interruptLevelFactory("T", sys_int0, sys_int1) Spinal Factory -------------- =================================================================================== =========================================================== BusInterface method Description =================================================================================== =========================================================== ``InterruptFactory(regNamePre: String, triggers: Bool*)`` creat RAW/FORCE/MASK/STATUS for pulse event ``InterruptFactoryNoForce(regNamePre: String, triggers: Bool*)`` creat RAW/MASK/STATUS for pulse event ``InterruptFactory(regNamePre: String, triggers: Bool*)`` creat MASK/STATUS for level_int merge ``InterruptFactoryAt(addrOffset: Int, regNamePre: String, triggers: Bool*)`` creat RAW/FORCE/MASK/STATUS for pulse event at addrOffset ``InterruptFactoryNoForceAt(addrOffset: Int, regNamePre: String, triggers: Bool*)`` creat RAW/MASK/STATUS for pulse event at addrOffset ``InterruptFactoryAt(addrOffset: Int, regNamePre: String, triggers: Bool*)`` creat MASK/STATUS for level_int merge at addrOffset =================================================================================== =========================================================== Example ------- .. code:: scala class RegFileIntrExample extends Component{ val io = new Bundle{ val apb = slave(Apb3(Apb3Config(16,32))) val int_pulse0, int_pulse1, int_pulse2, int_pulse3 = in Bool() val int_level0, int_level1, int_level2 = in Bool() val sys_int = out Bool() val gpio_int = out Bool() } val busif = BusInterface(io.apb, (0x000,1 KiB), 0, regPre = "AP") io.sys_int := busif.interruptFactory("SYS",io.int_pulse0, io.int_pulse1, io.int_pulse2, io.int_pulse3) io.gpio_int := busif.interruptLevelFactory("GPIO",io.int_level0, io.int_level1, io.int_level2, io.sys_int) def genDoc() = { busif.accept(CHeaderGenerator("intrreg","Intr")) busif.accept(HtmlGenerator("intrreg", "Interupt Example")) busif.accept(JsonGenerator("intrreg")) this } this.genDoc() } .. image:: /asset/image/intc/intc.jpeg Developers Area --------------- You can add your document Type by extending the `BusIfVistor` Trait ``case class Latex(fileName : String) extends BusIfVisitor{ ... }`` BusIfVistor give access BusIf.RegInsts to do what you want .. code:: scala // lib/src/main/scala/lib/bus/regif/BusIfVistor.scala trait BusIfVisitor { def begin(busDataWidth : Int) : Unit def visit(descr : FifoDescr) : Unit def visit(descr : RegDescr) : Unit def end() : Unit }