.. role:: raw-html-m2r(raw) :format: html Utils ===== Some utils are also present in :ref:`spinal.core ` State less utilities -------------------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 2 1 5 * - Syntax - Return - Description * - toGray(x : UInt) - Bits - Return the gray value converted from ``x`` (UInt) * - fromGray(x : Bits) - UInt - Return the UInt value converted value from ``x`` (gray) * - Reverse(x : T) - T - Flip all bits (lsb + n -> msb - n) * - | OHToUInt(x : Seq[Bool]) | OHToUInt(x : BitVector) - UInt - Return the index of the single bit set (one hot) in ``x`` * - | CountOne(x : Seq[Bool]) | CountOne(x : BitVector) - UInt - Return the number of bit set in ``x`` * - | CountLeadingZeroes(x : Bits) - UInt - Return the number of consecutive zero bits starting from the MSB * - | MajorityVote(x : Seq[Bool]) | MajorityVote(x : BitVector) - Bool - Return True if the number of bit set is > x.size / 2 * - EndiannessSwap(that: T[, base:BitCount]) - T - Big-Endian <-> Little-Endian * - OHMasking.first(x : Bits) - Bits - Apply a mask on x to only keep the first bit set * - OHMasking.last(x : Bits) - Bits - Apply a mask on x to only keep the last bit set * - | OHMasking.roundRobin( | requests : Bits, | ohPriority : Bits | ) - Bits - | Apply a mask on x to only keep the bit set from ``requests``. | it start looking in ``requests`` from the ``ohPriority`` position. | For example if ``requests`` is "1001" and ``ohPriority`` is "0010", the ``roundRobin`` function will start looking in `requests` from its second bit and will return "1000". * - | MuxOH ( | oneHot : IndexedSeq[Bool], | inputs : Iterable[T] | ) - T - Returns the muxed ``T`` from the ``inputs`` based on the ``oneHot`` vector. * - | PriorityMux ( | sel: Seq[Bool], | in: Seq[T] | ) - T - Return the first ``in`` element whose ``sel`` is ``True``. * - | PriorityMux ( | in: Seq[(Bool, T)] | ) - T - Return the first ``in`` element whose ``sel`` is ``True``. State full utilities -------------------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 3 1 5 * - Syntax - Return - Description * - Delay(that: T, cycleCount: Int) - T - Return ``that`` delayed by ``cycleCount`` cycles * - | History ( | that: T, length: Int | *[*\ , when : Bool\ *][*\ , init : T\ *]* | ) - Vec[T] - | Return a Vec of ``length`` elements | The first element is ``that``\ , the last one is ``that`` delayed by ``length`` - 1 | The internal shift register sample when ``when`` is asserted * - | History ( | that: T, range: Range | *[*\ , when : Bool\ *][*\ , init : T\ *]* | ) - Vec[T] - | Same as ``History(that, length)`` | but return a Vec of size ``range.length`` | where the first element is delayed by ``range.low`` | and the last by ``range.high`` * - BufferCC(input : T) - T - Return the input signal synchronized with the current clock domain by using 2 flip flop Counter ^^^^^^^ The Counter tool can be used to easily instantiate a hardware counter. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 1 1 * - Instantiation syntax - Notes * - ``Counter(start: BigInt, end: BigInt[, inc : Bool])`` - * - ``Counter(range : Range[, inc : Bool])`` - Compatible with the ``x to y`` ``x until y`` syntaxes * - ``Counter(stateCount: BigInt[, inc : Bool])`` - Starts at zero and ends at ``stateCount - 1`` * - ``Counter(bitCount: BitCount[, inc : Bool])`` - Starts at zero and ends at ``(1 << bitCount) - 1`` A counter can be controlled by methods, and wires can be read: .. code-block:: scala val counter = Counter(2 to 9) // Creates a counter of 8 states (2 to 9) // Methods counter.clear() // Resets the counter counter.increment() // Increments the counter // Wires counter.value // Current value counter.valueNext // Next value counter.willOverflow // True if the counter overflows this cycle counter.willOverflowIfInc // True if the counter would overflow this cycle if an increment was done // Cast when(counter === 5){ ... } // counter is implicitly casted to its current value When a ``Counter`` overflows (reached end value), it restarts the next cycle to its start value. .. note:: Currently, only up counter are supported. ``CounterFreeRun`` builds an always running counter: ``CounterFreeRun(stateCount: BigInt)``. Timeout ^^^^^^^ The Timeout tool can be used to easily instantiate an hardware timeout. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 1 1 * - Instanciation syntax - Notes * - Timeout(cycles : BigInt) - Tick after ``cycles`` clocks * - Timeout(time : TimeNumber) - Tick after a ``time`` duration * - Timeout(frequency : HertzNumber) - Tick at an ``frequency`` rate There is an example of different syntaxes which could be used with the Counter tool .. code-block:: scala val timeout = Timeout(10 ms) //Timeout who tick after 10 ms when(timeout) { //Check if the timeout has tick timeout.clear() //Ask the timeout to clear its flag } .. note:: If you instantiate an ``Timeout`` with an time or frequency setup, the implicit ``ClockDomain`` should have an frequency setting. ResetCtrl ^^^^^^^^^ The ResetCtrl provide some utilities to manage resets. asyncAssertSyncDeassert ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can filter an asynchronous reset by using an asynchronously asserted synchronously deaserted logic. To do it you can use the ``ResetCtrl.asyncAssertSyncDeassert`` function which will return you the filtered value. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 1 1 4 * - Argument name - Type - Description * - input - Bool - Signal that should be filtered * - clockDomain - ClockDomain - ClockDomain which will use the filtered value * - inputPolarity - Polarity - HIGH/LOW (default=HIGH) * - outputPolarity - Polarity - HIGH/LOW (default=clockDomain.config.resetActiveLevel) * - bufferDepth - Int - Number of register stages used to avoid metastability (default=2) There is also an ``ResetCtrl.asyncAssertSyncDeassertDrive`` version of tool which directly assign the ``clockDomain`` reset with the filtered value. Special utilities ----------------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 3 1 5 * - Syntax - Return - Description * - LatencyAnalysis(paths : Node*) - Int - | Return the shortest path, in terms of cycles, that travel through all nodes, | from the first one to the last one