VCS Simulation Configuration ============================== .. _vcs_env: Environment variable ---------------------- You should have several environment variables defined before: * ``VCS_HOME``: The home path to your VCS installation. * ``VERDI_HOME``: The home path to your Verdi installation. * Add ``$VCS_HOME/bin`` and ``$VERDI_HOME/bin`` to your ``PATH``. Prepend the following paths to your ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` to enable PLI features. .. code-block:: bash export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$VERDI_HOME/share/PLI/VCS/LINUX64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$VERDI_HOME/share/PLI/IUS/LINUX64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$VERDI_HOME/share/PLI/lib/LINUX64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$VERDI_HOME/share/PLI/Ius/LINUX64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$VERDI_HOME/share/PLI/MODELSIM/LINUX64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH If you encounter the ``Compilation of SharedMemIface.cpp failed`` error, make sure that you have installed C++ boost library correctly. The header and library files path should be added to ``CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH``, ``LIBRARY_PATH`` and ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` respectively. User defined environment setup ------------------------------ Sometimes a VCS environment setup file `synopsys_sim.setup` is required to run VCS simulation. Also you may want to run some scripts or code to setup the environment just before VCS starting compilation. You can do this by `withVCSSimSetup`. .. code-block:: scala val simConfig = SimConfig .withVCS .withVCSSimSetup( setupFile = "~/work/myproj/sim/synopsys_sim.setup", beforeAnalysis = () => { // this code block will be run before VCS analysis step. "pwd".! println("Hello, VCS") } ) This method will copy your own `synopsys_sim.setup` file to the VCS work directory under the `workspacePath` (default as `simWorkspace`) directory, and run your scripts. VCS Flags --------- The VCS backend follows the three step compilation flow: 1. Analysis step: analysis the HDL model using ``vlogan`` and ``vhdlan``. 2. Elaborate step: elaborate the model using ``vcs`` and generate the executable hardware model. 3. Simulation step: run the simulation. In each step, user can pass some specific flags through ``VCSFlags`` to enable some features like SDF back-annotation or multi-threads. ``VCSFlags`` takes three parameters, .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 2 5 5 * - Name - Type - Description * - ``compileFlags`` - ``List[String]`` - Flags pass to ``vlogan`` or ``vhdlan``. * - ``elaborateFlags`` - ``List[String]`` - Flags pass to ``vcs``. * - ``runFlags`` - ``List[String]`` - Flags pass to executable hardware model. For example, you pass the ``-kdb`` flags to both compilation step and elaboration step, for Verdi debugging, .. code-block:: scala val flags = VCSFlags( compileFlags = List("-kdb"), elaborateFlags = List("-kdb") ) val config = SimConfig .withVCS(flags) .withFSDBWave .workspacePath("tb") .compile(UIntAdder(8)) ... Waveform generation -------------------- VCS backend can generate three waveform format: ``VCD``, ``VPD`` and ``FSDB`` (Verdi required). You can enable them by the following methods of ``SpinalSimConfig``, .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 2 5 * - Method - Description * - ``withWave`` - Enable ``VCD`` waveform. * - ``withVPDWave`` - Enable ``VPD`` waveform. * - ``withFSDBWave`` - Enable ``FSDB`` waveform. Also, you can control the wave trace depth by using ``withWaveDepth(depth: Int)``. Simulation with ``Blackbox`` ---------------------------- Sometimes, IP vendors will provide you with some design entites in Verilog/VHDL format and you want to integrate them into your SpinalHDL design. The integration can done by following two ways: 1. In a ``Blackbox`` definition, use ``addRTLPath(path: String)`` to assign a external Verilog/VHDL file to this blackbox. 2. Use the method ``mergeRTLSource(fileName: String=null)`` of ``SpinalReport``.