Spinal Hardware Description Language ==================================== Welcome to SpinalHDL's documentation! SpinalHDL is an open source high-level hardware description language. It can be used as an alternative to VHDL or Verilog and has several advantages over them: * It focuses on efficient hardware description instead of being event-driven. * It is embedded into a general purpose programming language, enabling powerful hardware generation. More detailed introduction of the language in :ref:`Introduction/SpinalHDL` | HTML and PDF formats of this documentation are available online: | > `spinalhdl.github.io/SpinalDoc-RTD `_ | (PDF format is accessible from the lower left corner, click ``v:master`` then PDF) | Chinese version of documentation: | > `github.com/thuCGRA/SpinalHDL_Chinese_Doc `_ | You can also find the API documentation: | > `spinalhdl.github.io/SpinalHDL `_ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 SpinalHDL/Foreword/index SpinalHDL/Introduction/index SpinalHDL/Getting Started/index SpinalHDL/Data types/index SpinalHDL/Structuring/index SpinalHDL/Semantic/index SpinalHDL/Sequential logic/index SpinalHDL/Design errors/index SpinalHDL/Other language features/index SpinalHDL/Libraries/index SpinalHDL/Simulation/index SpinalHDL/Formal verification/index SpinalHDL/Examples/index SpinalHDL/Legacy/index SpinalHDL/miscelenea/index SpinalHDL/Developers area/index