.. role:: raw-html-m2r(raw) :format: html Instanciate VHDL and Verilog IP =============================== Description ----------- A blackbox allows the user to integrate an existing VHDL/Verilog component into the design by just specifying the interfaces. It's up to the simulator or synthesizer to do the elaboration correctly. Defining an blackbox -------------------- The example show how to define an blackbox. .. code-block:: scala // Define a Ram as a BlackBox class Ram_1w_1r(wordWidth: Int, wordCount: Int) extends BlackBox { // SpinalHDL will look at Generic classes to get attributes which // should be used ad VHDL gererics / Verilog parameter // You can use String Int Double Boolean and all SpinalHDL base types // as generic value val generic = new Generic { val wordCount = Ram_1w_1r.this.wordCount val wordWidth = Ram_1w_1r.this.wordWidth } // Define io of the VHDL entiry / Verilog module val io = new Bundle { val clk = in Bool val wr = new Bundle { val en = in Bool val addr = in UInt (log2Up(wordCount) bit) val data = in Bits (wordWidth bit) } val rd = new Bundle { val en = in Bool val addr = in UInt (log2Up(wordCount) bit) val data = out Bits (wordWidth bit) } } //Map the current clock domain to the io.clk pin mapClockDomain(clock=io.clk) } | In VHDL, Bool type will be translated into std_logic and Bits into std_logic_vector. If you want to get std_ulogic, you have to use a BlackBoxULogic instead of BlackBox. | In Verilog, BlackBoxUlogic has no effect. .. code-block:: scala class Ram_1w_1r(wordWidth: Int, wordCount: Int) extends BlackBoxULogic { ... } Generics -------- There are two different ways to declare generic :  .. code-block:: scala class Ram(wordWidth: Int, wordCount: Int) extends BlackBox { val generic = new Generic { val wordCount = Ram.this.wordCount val wordWidth = Ram.this.wordWidth } // OR  addGeneric("wordCount", wordWidth) addGeneric("wordWidth", wordWidth) } Instantiating a blackbox ------------------------ To instantiate an blackbox, it's the same than for Component : .. code-block:: scala // Create the top level and instantiate the Ram class TopLevel extends Component { val io = new Bundle { val wr = new Bundle { val en = in Bool val addr = in UInt (log2Up(16) bit) val data = in Bits (8 bit) } val rd = new Bundle { val en = in Bool val addr = in UInt (log2Up(16) bit) val data = out Bits (8 bit) } } //Instantiate the blackbox val ram = new Ram_1w_1r(8,16) //Interconnect all that stuff io.wr.en <> ram.io.wr.en io.wr.addr <> ram.io.wr.addr io.wr.data <> ram.io.wr.data io.rd.en <> ram.io.rd.en io.rd.addr <> ram.io.rd.addr io.rd.data <> ram.io.rd.data } object Main { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { SpinalVhdl(new TopLevel) } } Clock and reset mapping ----------------------- In your blackbox definition you have to explicitly define clock and reset wires. To map signals of a ClockDomain to corresponding inputs of the blackbox you can use the ``mapClockDomain`` or ``mapCurrentClockDomain`` function. ``mapClockDomain`` has the following parameters : .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 1 1 1 5 * - name - type - default - description * - clockDomain - ClockDomain - ClockDomain.current - Specify the clockDomain which provide signals * - clock - Bool - Nothing - Blackbox input which should be connected to the clockDomain clock * - reset - Bool - Nothing - Blackbox input which should be connected to the clockDomain reset * - enable - Bool - Nothing - Blackbox input which should be connected to the clockDomain enable ``mapCurrentClockDomain`` has almost the same parameters than the ``mapClockDomain`` but without the clockDomain. For example : .. code-block:: scala class MyRam(clkDomain: ClockDomain) extends BlackBox { val io = new Bundle { val clkA = in Bool .. val clkB = in Bool ... } // Clock A is map on a specific clock Domain mapClockDomain(clkDomain, io.clkA) // Clock B is map on the current clock domain mapCurrentClockDomain(io.clkB) } io prefix --------- In order to avoid the prefix "io\_" on each IOs of the blackbox, you can use the function ``noIoPrefix()`` as shown below : .. code-block:: scala // Define the Ram as a BlackBox class Ram_1w_1r(wordWidth: Int, wordCount: Int) extends BlackBox { val generic = new Generic { val wordCount = Ram_1w_1r.this.wordCount val wordWidth = Ram_1w_1r.this.wordWidth } val io = new Bundle { val clk = in Bool val wr = new Bundle { val en = in Bool val addr = in UInt (log2Up(_wordCount) bit) val data = in Bits (_wordWidth bit) } val rd = new Bundle { val en = in Bool val addr = in UInt (log2Up(_wordCount) bit) val data = out Bits (_wordWidth bit) } } noIoPrefix() mapCurrentClockDomain(clock=io.clk) } Rename all io of a blackbox --------------------------- .. code-block:: scala class MyRam() extends Blackbox { val io = new Bundle { val clk = in Bool val portA = new Bundle{ val cs = in Bool val rwn = in Bool val dIn = in Bits(32 bits) val dOut = out Bits(32 bits) } val portB = new Bundle{ val cs = in Bool val rwn = in Bool val dIn = in Bits(32 bits) val dOut = out Bits(32 bits) } } // Map the clk mapCurrentClockDomain(io.clk) // Remove io_ prefix noIoPrefix() // Function used to rename all signals of the blackbox private def renameIO(): Unit = { io.flatten.foreach(bt => { if(bt.getName().contains("portA")) bt.setName(bt.getName().repalce("portA_", "") + "_A") if(bt.getName().contains("portB")) bt.setName(bt.getName().repalce("portB_", "") + "_B") }) } // Execute the function renameIO after the creation of the component addPrePostTask(() => renameIO()) } // This code generate those names : // clk //  cs_A, rwn_A, dIn_A, dOut_A // cs_B, rwn_B, dIn_B, dOut_B Add RTL source -------------- With the function ``addRTLPath()`` you can associate your RTL sources with the blackbox. After the generation of your Spinal code you can call the fonction ``mergeRTLSource`` for merging all sources together. .. code-block:: scala class MyBlackBox() extends Blackbox { val io = new Bundle { val clk = in Bool val start = in Bool val dIn = in Bits(32 bits) val dOut = out Bits(32 bits) val ready = out Bool } // Map the clk mapCurrentClockDomain(io.clk) // Remove io_ prefix noIoPrefix() // Add all rtl dependencies addRTLPath("./rtl/RegisterBank.v") // Add a verilog file addRTLPath(s"./rtl/myDesign.vhd") // Add a vhdl file addRTLPath(s"${sys.env("MY_PROJECT")}/myTopLevel.vhd") // Use an environement variable MY_PROJECT (System.getenv("MY_PROJECT")) } ... val report = SpinalVhdl(new MyBlackBox) report.mergeRTLSource("mergeRTL") // merge all rtl sources into mergeRTL.vhd and mergeRTL.v file VHDL - No numeric type ---------------------- If you want to get only ``std_logic_vector`` on your blackbox component, you can add the tag ``noNumericType`` to the blackbox. .. code-block:: scala class MyBlackBox() extends BlackBox{ val io = new Bundle{ val clk  = in Bool val increment = in Bool val initValue = in UInt(8 bits) val counter = out UInt(8 bits) } mapCurrentClockDomain(io.clk) noIoPrefix() addTag(noNumericType) // only std_logic_vector } Will generate: .. code-block:: vhdl component MyBlackBox is port( clk : in std_logic; increment : in std_logic; initValue : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); counter : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ); end component;