Accessing signals of the simulation ========================================== Read and write signals ---------------------- Each interface signal of the toplevel can be read and written from Scala: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 3 5 * - Syntax - Description * - Bool.toBoolean - Read a hardware ``Bool`` as a Scala ``Boolean`` value * - Bits/UInt/SInt.toInt - Read a hardware ``BitVector`` as a Scala ``Int`` value * - Bits/UInt/SInt.toLong - Read a hardware ``BitVector`` as a Scala ``Long`` value * - Bits/UInt/SInt.toBigInt - Read a hardware ``BitVector`` as a Scala ``BigInt`` value * - SpinalEnumCraft.toEnum - Read a hardware ``SpinalEnumCraft`` as a Scala ``SpinalEnumElement`` value * - Bool #= Boolean - Assign a hardware ``Bool`` from an Scala ``Boolean`` * - Bits/UInt/SInt #= Int - Assign a hardware ``BitVector`` from a Scala ``Int`` * - Bits/UInt/SInt #= Long - Assign a hardware ``BitVector`` from a Scala ``Long`` * - Bits/UInt/SInt #= BigInt - Assign a hardware ``BitVector`` from a Scala ``BigInt`` * - SpinalEnumCraft #= SpinalEnumElement - Assign a hardware ``SpinalEnumCraft`` from a Scala ``SpinalEnumElement`` .. code-block:: scala #= 42 #= 42l #= BigInt("101010", 2) #= BigInt("0123456789ABCDEF", 16) println( Accessing signals inside the component's hierarchy -------------------------------------------------- To access signals which are inside the component's hierarchy, you have first to set the given signal as ``simPublic``. You can add this ``simPublic`` tag directly in the hardware description: .. code-block:: scala object SimAccessSubSignal { import spinal.core.sim._ class TopLevel extends Component { val counter = Reg(UInt(8 bits)) init(0) simPublic() // Here we add the simPublic tag on the counter register to make it visible counter := counter + 1 } def main(args: Array[String]) { SimConfig.compile(new TopLevel).doSim{dut => dut.clockDomain.forkStimulus(10) for(i <- 0 to 3) { dut.clockDomain.waitSampling() println(dut.counter.toInt) } } } } Or you can add it later, after having instantiated your toplevel for the simulation: .. code-block:: scala object SimAccessSubSignal { import spinal.core.sim._ class TopLevel extends Component { val counter = Reg(UInt(8 bits)) init(0) counter := counter + 1 } def main(args: Array[String]) { SimConfig.compile { val dut = new TopLevel dut.counter.simPublic() dut }.doSim{dut => dut.clockDomain.forkStimulus(10) for(i <- 0 to 3) { dut.clockDomain.waitSampling() println(dut.counter.toInt) } } } }