package sim

Simulation package

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. sim
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class CoreSimManager extends SimManager
  2. abstract class RandomizableBitVector extends AnyRef
  3. implicit class SimAFixPimper extends AnyRef
  4. implicit class SimArrayBufferPimper[T] extends AnyRef
  5. implicit class SimBaseTypePimper extends AnyRef

    Add implicit function to BaseType for simulation

  6. implicit class SimBigIntPimper extends AnyRef

    Add implicit function to BigInt

  7. implicit class SimBitVectorPimper extends AnyRef

    Add implicit function to BitVector

  8. implicit class SimBitsPimper extends RandomizableBitVector

    Add implicit function to Bits

  9. implicit class SimBoolPimper extends AnyRef

    Add implicit function to Bool

  10. implicit class SimClockDomainHandlePimper extends SimClockDomainPimper
  11. implicit class SimClockDomainPimper extends AnyRef

    Add implicit function to ClockDomain

  12. abstract class SimCompiled[T <: Component] extends AnyRef

    Run simulation

  13. case class SimConfigLegacy[T <: Component](_rtlGen: Option[() ⇒ T] = None, _spinalConfig: SpinalConfig = SpinalConfig(), _spinalReport: Option[SpinalReport[T]] = None) extends Product with Serializable

    Legacy simulation configuration

  14. implicit class SimDataPimper[T <: Data] extends AnyRef

    Add implicit function to Data

  15. implicit class SimEnumPimper[T <: SpinalEnum] extends AnyRef

    Add implicit function to Enum

  16. abstract class SimFix[T <: XFix[_, _]] extends AnyRef

    Add implicit function to UFix/SFix/AFix

  17. implicit class SimMemPimper[T <: Data] extends AnyRef
  18. case class SimMutex(randomized: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable
  19. implicit class SimSFixPimper extends SimFix[SFix]
  20. implicit class SimSIntPimper extends RandomizableBitVector

    Add implicit function to SInt

  21. implicit class SimSeqPimper[T] extends AnyRef
  22. implicit class SimUFixPimper extends SimFix[UFix]
  23. implicit class SimUIntPimper extends RandomizableBitVector

    Add implicit function to UInt

  24. implicit class SimUnionElementPimper[T <: Data] extends AnyRef
  25. class SimVerilatorPhase extends PhaseNetlist
  26. implicit class SimpComponentPimper[T <: Component] extends AnyRef
  27. case class SpinalGhdlBackendConfig[T <: Component](rtl: SpinalReport[T], waveFormat: WaveFormat = WaveFormat.NONE, workspacePath: String = "./", workspaceName: String = null, wavePath: String = null, wavePrefix: String = null, waveDepth: Int = 0, optimisationLevel: Int = 2, simulatorFlags: ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer[String](), runFlags: ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer[String](), usePluginsCache: Boolean = true, pluginsCachePath: String = "./simWorkspace/.pluginsCachePath", enableLogging: Boolean = false, timePrecision: TimeNumber = null, ghdlFlags: GhdlFlags = GhdlFlags()) extends SpinalVpiBackendConfig[T] with Product with Serializable
  28. case class SpinalIVerilogBackendConfig[T <: Component](rtl: SpinalReport[T], waveFormat: WaveFormat = WaveFormat.NONE, workspacePath: String = "./", workspaceName: String = null, wavePath: String = null, wavePrefix: String = null, waveDepth: Int = 0, optimisationLevel: Int = 2, simulatorFlags: ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer[String](), runFlags: ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer[String](), usePluginsCache: Boolean = true, pluginsCachePath: String = "./simWorkspace/.pluginsCachePath", enableLogging: Boolean = false, timePrecision: TimeNumber = null) extends SpinalVpiBackendConfig[T] with Product with Serializable
  29. class SpinalSimBackendSel extends AnyRef
  30. case class SpinalSimConfig(_workspacePath: String = ..., _workspaceName: String = null, _waveDepth: Int = 0, _spinalConfig: SpinalConfig = SpinalConfig(), _optimisationLevel: Int = 0, _simulatorFlags: ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer[String](), _runFlags: ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer[String](), _additionalRtlPath: ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer[String](), _additionalIncludeDir: ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer[String](), _waveFormat: WaveFormat = WaveFormat.NONE, _backend: SpinalSimBackendSel = SpinalSimBackendSel.VERILATOR, _withCoverage: Boolean = false, _maxCacheEntries: Int = 100, _cachePath: String = null, _disableCache: Boolean = false, _withLogging: Boolean = false, _vcsCC: Option[String] = None, _vcsLd: Option[String] = None, _vcsUserFlags: VCSFlags = VCSFlags(), _vcsSimSetupFile: String = null, _vcsEnvSetup: () ⇒ Unit = null, _xciSourcesPaths: ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer[String](), _bdSourcesPaths: ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer[String](), _xilinxDevice: String = "xc7vx485tffg1157-1", _simScript: String = null, _timePrecision: TimeNumber = null, _timeScale: TimeNumber = null, _testPath: String = "$WORKSPACE/$COMPILED/$TEST", _waveFilePrefix: String = null, _ghdlFlags: GhdlFlags = GhdlFlags()) extends Product with Serializable

    SpinalSim configuration

  31. case class SpinalVCSBackendConfig[T <: Component](rtl: SpinalReport[T], waveFormat: WaveFormat = WaveFormat.NONE, workspacePath: String = "./", workspaceName: String = null, wavePath: String = null, wavePrefix: String = null, waveDepth: Int = 0, optimisationLevel: Int = 2, simulatorFlags: ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer[String](), runFlags: ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer[String](), usePluginsCache: Boolean = true, pluginsCachePath: String = "./simWorkspace/.pluginsCachePath", enableLogging: Boolean = false, timePrecision: TimeNumber = null, simSetupFile: String = null, envSetup: () ⇒ Unit = null, vcsFlags: VCSFlags = null, compileFlags: ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer[String](), elaborateFlags: ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer[String](), vcsCC: Option[String] = None, vcsLd: Option[String] = None) extends SpinalVpiBackendConfig[T] with Product with Serializable
  32. case class SpinalVerilatorBackendConfig[T <: Component](rtl: SpinalReport[T], waveFormat: WaveFormat = WaveFormat.NONE, maxCacheEntries: Int = 100, cachePath: String = null, workspacePath: String = "./", workspaceName: String = null, vcdPath: String = null, vcdPrefix: String = null, waveDepth: Int = 0, optimisationLevel: Int = 2, simulatorFlags: ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer[String](), withCoverage: Boolean, timePrecision: TimeNumber = null, testPath: String) extends Product with Serializable
  33. class SpinalVpiBackendConfig[T <: Component] extends AnyRef
  34. case class SpinalXSimBackendConfig[T <: Component](rtl: SpinalReport[T], xciSourcesPaths: ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer[String](), bdSourcesPaths: ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer[String](), waveFormat: WaveFormat, workspacePath: String, workspaceName: String, wavePath: String, xilinxDevice: String, simScript: String, simulatorFlags: ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer[String](), timePrecision: TimeNumber = null) extends Product with Serializable
  35. class SwapTagPhase extends PhaseNetlist

    Swap all oldTag with newTag

Value Members

  1. def SimConfig: SpinalSimConfig
  2. def currentTestName(): String
  3. def currentTestPath(): String
  4. def delayed(delay: TimeNumber)(body: ⇒ Unit): Unit
  5. def delayed(delay: Long)(body: ⇒ Unit): Unit
  6. def disableSimWave(): Unit
  7. def enableSimWave(): Unit
  8. def fork(body: ⇒ Unit): SimThread


  9. def forkJoin(bodys: () ⇒ Unit*): Unit
  10. def forkSensitive(trigger: ⇒ Any)(block: ⇒ Unit): Unit
  11. def forkSensitive(triggers: Data)(block: ⇒ Unit): Unit
  12. def forkSensitive(block: ⇒ Unit): Unit
  13. def forkSensitive2(triggers: Data*)(block: ⇒ Unit): Unit
  14. def forkSensitiveWhile(block: ⇒ Boolean): Unit
  15. def forkSimSporadicWave(captures: Seq[(Double, Double)], enableTime: Double = 1e-7, disableTime: Double = 1e-4, timeUnit: Double = 1e12): Unit
  16. def getBigInt[T <: Data](mem: Mem[T], address: Long): BigInt
  17. def onSimEnd(body: ⇒ Unit): Unit
  18. def periodicaly(delay: Long)(body: ⇒ Unit): Unit
  19. def setBigInt(bt: BaseType, value: BigInt): Unit

    Set a BigInt value to a BaseType

  20. def setBigInt[T <: Data](mem: Mem[T], address: Long, data: BigInt): Unit
  21. def setLong(bt: BaseType, value: Long): Unit

    Set a long value to a BaseType

  22. def simCompiled: SimCompiled[_ <: Component]
  23. def simDeltaCycle(): Long
  24. def simFailure(message: String = ""): Nothing
  25. def simRandom(implicit simManager: SimManager = sm): Random
  26. def simSuccess(): Nothing

    Success/Failure simulation

  27. def simThread: SimThread
  28. def simTime(): Long

    Return the current simulation time

  29. def sleep(time: TimeNumber): Unit
  30. def sleep(cycles: Double): Unit
  31. def sleep(cycles: Long): Unit

    Sleep / WaitUntil

  32. def sm: SimManager
  33. def timeToLong(time: TimeNumber): Long
  34. def waitUntil(cond: ⇒ Boolean): Unit
  35. object DoClock

    Generate a clock

  36. object DoReset

    Execute a reset sequence

  37. object ForkClock

    Fork the DoClock

  38. object SimPublic extends SpinalTag

    Tag SimPublic

  39. object SimSpeedPrinter

    Print the simulation speed

  40. object SimStatics
  41. object SimTimeout

    Create a Timeout for the simulation

  42. object SimUnionElementPimper
  43. object SimWorkspace

    Simulation Workspace

  44. object SpinalGhdlBackend
  45. object SpinalIVerilogBackend
  46. object SpinalSimBackendSel
  47. object SpinalVCSBackend
  48. object SpinalVerilatorBackend
  49. object SpinalVerilatorSim
  50. object SpinalVpiBackend
  51. object SpinalXSimBackend
  52. object TracingOff extends SpinalTag

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def SimConfig[T <: Component](rtl: SpinalReport[T]): SimConfigLegacy[T]

    (Since version ???) Use SimConfig.???.compile(new Dut) instead

  2. def SimConfig[T <: Component](rtl: ⇒ T): SimConfigLegacy[T]

    (Since version ???) Use SimConfig.???.compile(new Dut) instead

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
