package sim
Type Members
case class
Axi4StreamMaster(axis: Axi4Stream, clockDomain: ClockDomain, nullSegmentProb: Double = 0.0, maxNullSegment: Int = 0) extends Product with Serializable
Simulation master for the Axi4Stream bus protocol Axi4Stream.
Simulation master for the Axi4Stream bus protocol Axi4Stream.
- axis
bus master to drive
- clockDomain
clock domain to sample data on
- nullSegmentProb
probability to insert null segment at any byte offset (between 0 and 1); default to 0.0 (no null bytes inserted)
- maxNullSegment
maximum length of null (TKEEP=0) segment in the middle of the stream; default to 0 (no null bytes)
SimConfig.compile(new Component { val io = new Bundle { val axisSlave = slave(Axi4Stream(Axi4StreamConfig(32))) } io.axisSlave.assignDontCare }).doSim("sample") { dut => val master = Axi4StreamMaster(, dut.clockDomain) master.send(Random.nextBytes(256).toList) }
Example: -
case class
Axi4StreamSlave(axis: Axi4Stream, clockDomain: ClockDomain) extends Product with Serializable
Simulation slave for the Axi4Stream bus protocol Axi4Stream.
Simulation slave for the Axi4Stream bus protocol Axi4Stream.
- axis
bus slave to drive
- clockDomain
clock domain to sample data on
SimConfig.compile(new Component { val io = new Bundle { val axisMaster = master(Axi4Stream(Axi4StreamConfig(32))) } io.axisMaster.assignDontCare }).doSim("sample") { dut => val slave = Axi4StreamSlave(, dut.clockDomain) val data = slave.recv() }
- Note
The current implementation does not buffer unexpected transactions (i.e. bus activity when no
has been issued). In some race conditions, this may result in incomplete captures due to the first beats being lost. Consider enqueuing a asynchronous request with the callback interface (recvCB
) before issuing the triggering action.