PLL BlackBox and reset controller
Let’s imagine you want to define a TopLevel
component which instantiates a PLL BlackBox
, and create a new clock domain from it which will be used by your core logic. Let’s also imagine that you want to adapt an external asynchronous reset into this core clock domain to a synchronous reset source.
The following imports will be used in code examples on this page:
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
The PLL BlackBox definition
This is how to define the PLL BlackBox
class PLL extends BlackBox{
val io = new Bundle{
val clkIn = in Bool()
val clkOut = out Bool()
val isLocked = out Bool()
This will correspond to the following VHDL component:
component PLL is
clkIn : in std_logic;
clkOut : out std_logic;
isLocked : out std_logic
end component;
TopLevel definition
This is how to define your TopLevel
which instantiates the PLL, creates the new ClockDomain
, and also adapts the asynchronous reset input to a synchronous reset:
class TopLevel extends Component{
val io = new Bundle {
val aReset = in Bool()
val clk100Mhz = in Bool()
val result = out UInt(4 bits)
// Create an Area to manage all clocks and reset things
val clkCtrl = new Area {
//Instanciate and drive the PLL
val pll = new PLL := io.clk100Mhz
//Create a new clock domain named 'core'
val coreClockDomain = ClockDomain.internal(
name = "core",
frequency = FixedFrequency(200 MHz) // This frequency specification can be used
) // by coreClockDomain users to do some calculations
//Drive clock and reset signals of the coreClockDomain previously created
coreClockDomain.clock :=
coreClockDomain.reset := ResetCtrl.asyncAssertSyncDeassert(
input = io.aReset || !,
clockDomain = coreClockDomain
//Create a ClockingArea which will be under the effect of the clkCtrl.coreClockDomain
val core = new ClockingArea(clkCtrl.coreClockDomain){
//Do your stuff which use coreClockDomain here
val counter = Reg(UInt(4 bits)) init(0)
counter := counter + 1
io.result := counter