package wishbone
- Alphabetic
- Public
- All
Type Members
case class
Wishbone(config: WishboneConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave with Product with Serializable
This class rappresent a Wishbone bus
This class rappresent a Wishbone bus
- config
an istance of WishboneConfig, it will be used to configurate the Wishbone Bus
WishboneAdapter extends Component
Create a configurable adaptor for the wishbone bus.
Create a configurable adaptor for the wishbone bus. It can adapt from a wishbone pipelined interface to a standard one or vice versa
val wishboneMaster = Wishbone(wishboneConfig(8,8).pipelined) val wishboneSlave = Wishbone(wishboneConfig(16,8)) val adapter = new WishboneAdapter(wishboneMaster.config, wishboneSlave.config, allowAddressResize = true) wishboneMaster <> <> wishboneSlave
Example: -
WishboneArbiter extends Component
Create a wishbone Arbiter/multiplexer the arbiter will not switch to other interfaces until the selected master/input CYC line goes to zero
case class
WishboneConfig(addressWidth: Int, dataWidth: Int, selWidth: Int = 0, useSTALL: Boolean = false, useLOCK: Boolean = false, useERR: Boolean = false, useRTY: Boolean = false, useCTI: Boolean = false, tgaWidth: Int = 0, tgcWidth: Int = 0, tgdWidth: Int = 0, useBTE: Boolean = false, addressGranularity: AddressGranularity = AddressGranularity.UNSPECIFIED) extends Product with Serializable
This class is used for configuring the Wishbone class
This class is used for configuring the Wishbone class
- addressWidth
size in bits of the address line
- dataWidth
size in bits of the data line
- selWidth
size in bits of the selection line, deafult to 0 (disabled)
- useSTALL
activate the stall line, default to false (disabled)
- useLOCK
activate the lock line, default to false (disabled)
- useERR
activate the error line, default to false (disabled)
- useRTY
activate the retry line, default to false (disabled)
- useCTI
activate the CTI line, deafult to 0 (disabled)
- tgaWidth
size in bits of the tag address linie, deafult to 0 (disabled)
- tgcWidth
size in bits of the tag cycle line, deafult to 0 (disabled)
- tgdWidth
size in bits of the tag data line, deafult to 0 (disabled)
- useBTE
activate the Burst Type Extension, default to false (disabled)
- addressGranularity
This specifies the address granularity for the bus.
val wishboneBusConf = new WishboneConfig(32,8).withCycleTag(8).withDataTag(8) val wishboneBus = new Wishbone(wishboneBusConf)
Example: -
WishboneDecoder extends Component
Create a wishbone decoder/demultiplexer
- class WishboneGpio extends Component
- case class WishboneInterconFactory() extends Product with Serializable
WishboneSlaveFactory extends BusSlaveFactoryDelayed
This is the slave facotory fot the wishbone bus
- case class WishboneToBmb(c: WishboneConfig) extends Component with Product with Serializable
- case class WishboneToBmbGenerator()(implicit interconnect: BmbInterconnectGenerator = null) extends Area with Product with Serializable
Value Members
- object AddressGranularity extends Enumeration
- object Wishbone extends Serializable
Factory for spinal.lib.bus.wishbone.WishboneAdapter instances.
Factory for spinal.lib.bus.wishbone.WishboneArbiter instances.
- object WishboneConnectors
Factory for spinal.lib.bus.wishbone.WishboneDecoder instances.
Factory for spinal.lib.bus.wishbone.WishboneSlaveFactory instances.
- object WishboneToBmb extends Serializable