VHDL and Verilog generation
Generate VHDL and Verilog from an SpinalHDL Component
To generate the VHDL from an SpinalHDL component you just need to call SpinalVhdl(new YourComponent)
in a Scala main
To generate the Verilog, it’s exactly the same, but with SpinalVerilog
in place of SpinalVHDL
import spinal.core._
//A simple component definition
class MyTopLevel extends Component {
//Define some input/output. Bundle like a VHDL record or a verilog struct.
val io = new Bundle {
val a = in Bool
val b = in Bool
val c = out Bool
//Define some asynchronous logic
io.c := io.a & io.b
//This is the main that generate the VHDL and the Verilog corresponding to MyTopLevel
object MyMain {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
SpinalVhdl(new MyTopLevel)
SpinalVerilog(new MyTopLevel)
SpinalVhdl and SpinalVerilog could need to create multiple instance of your component class. It’s why its first argument is not a Component reference but a function that return a new component.
SpinalVerilog implementation has start the 5 June 2016. This backend pass successfully the same regression tests than the VHDL one (RISCV CPU, Multicore and pipelined mandelbrot,UART RX/TX, Single clock fifo, Dual clock fifo, Gray counter, ..). But still, if you have any issue with this young backend, please, make a git issue.
Parametrization from Scala
Argument name |
Type |
Default |
Description |
mode |
SpinalMode |
null |
Set the SpinalHDL mode.
Could be set to
VHDL or Verilog |
defaultConfigForClockDomains |
ClockDomainConfig |
Set the clock configuration that will be use as default for all new |
onlyStdLogicVectorAtTopLevelIo |
Boolean |
false |
Change all unsigned/signed toplevel io into std_logic_vector. |
defaultClockDomainFrequency |
IClockDomainFrequency |
UnknownFrequency |
Default clock frequency |
targetDirectory |
String |
Current directory |
Directory where files are generated |
And there is the syntax to specify them :
SpinalConfig(mode = VHDL, targetDirectory="temp/myDesign").generate(new UartCtrl)
// Or for Verilog in a more scalable formatting :
mode = Verilog,
).generate(new UartCtrl)
Parametrization from shell
You can also specify generation parameters by using command line arguments.
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
SpinalConfig.shell(args)(new UartCtrl)
Arguments syntax is :
Usage: SpinalCore [options]
Select the VHDL mode
Select the Verilog mode
-d | --debug
Enter in debug mode directly
-o <value> | --targetDirectory <value>
Set the target directory
Generated VHDL and Verilog
The way how a SpinalHDL RTL description is translated into VHDL and Verilog is important :
Names in Scala are preserved in VHDL and Verilog.
hierarchy in Scala is preserved in VHDL and Verilog.when
statements in Scala are emitted as if statements in VHDL and Verilogswitch
statements in Scala are emitted as case statements in VHDL and Verilog in all standard cases
When you use the VHDL generation, stuff are generated into a single file which contain tree section :
A package that contain enumeration’s definitions
A package that contain function used by architectures
All components needed by your design
When you use the Verilog generation, stuff are generated into a single file which contain two section :
All enumeration defines
All modules needed by your design
Combinatorial logic
Scala :
class TopLevel extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val cond = in Bool
val value = in UInt (4 bits)
val withoutProcess = out UInt(4 bits)
val withProcess = out UInt(4 bits)
io.withoutProcess := io.value
io.withProcess := 0
io.withProcess := 8
io.withProcess := 9
io.withProcess := io.value+1
entity TopLevel is
io_cond : in std_logic;
io_value : in unsigned(3 downto 0);
io_withoutProcess : out unsigned(3 downto 0);
io_withProcess : out unsigned(3 downto 0)
end TopLevel;
architecture arch of TopLevel is
io_withoutProcess <= io_value;
io_withProcess <= pkg_unsigned("0000");
if io_cond = '1' then
case io_value is
when pkg_unsigned("0000") =>
io_withProcess <= pkg_unsigned("1000");
when pkg_unsigned("0001") =>
io_withProcess <= pkg_unsigned("1001");
when others =>
io_withProcess <= (io_value + pkg_unsigned("0001"));
end case;
end if;
end process;
end arch;
Scala :
class TopLevel extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val cond = in Bool
val value = in UInt (4 bit)
val resultA = out UInt(4 bit)
val resultB = out UInt(4 bit)
val regWithReset = Reg(UInt(4 bits)) init(0)
val regWithoutReset = Reg(UInt(4 bits))
regWithReset := io.value
regWithoutReset := 0
regWithoutReset := io.value
io.resultA := regWithReset
io.resultB := regWithoutReset
entity TopLevel is
io_cond : in std_logic;
io_value : in unsigned(3 downto 0);
io_resultA : out unsigned(3 downto 0);
io_resultB : out unsigned(3 downto 0);
clk : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic
end TopLevel;
architecture arch of TopLevel is
signal regWithReset : unsigned(3 downto 0);
signal regWithoutReset : unsigned(3 downto 0);
io_resultA <= regWithReset;
io_resultB <= regWithoutReset;
if reset = '1' then
regWithReset <= pkg_unsigned("0000");
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
regWithReset <= io_value;
end if;
end process;
if rising_edge(clk) then
regWithoutReset <= pkg_unsigned("0000");
if io_cond = '1' then
regWithoutReset <= io_value;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end arch;
VHDL and Verilog attributes
Syntax |
Description |
addAttribute(name) |
Add a boolean attribute with the given |
addAttribute(name,value) |
Add a string attribute with the given |
Example :
val pcPlus4 = pc + 4
Produced declaration in VHDL :
attribute keep : boolean;
signal pcPlus4 : unsigned(31 downto 0);
attribute keep of pcPlus4: signal is true;
Produced declaration in Verilog :
(* keep *) wire [31:0] pcPlus4;