The language provides 5 base types and 2 composite types that can be used.
Base types :
for unsigned integers,SInt
for signed integers,Enum
.Composite types : Bundle, Vec.
Those types and their usage (with examples) are explained hereafter.
Fixed point support is documented Fixed-Point
This is the standard boolean type that corresponds to a single bit.
The syntax to declare such as value is as follows:
Syntax |
Description |
Return |
Bool() |
Create a Bool |
Bool |
True |
Create a Bool assigned with |
Bool |
False |
Create a Bool assigned with |
Bool |
Bool(value : Boolean) |
Create a Bool assigned with a Scala Boolean |
Bool |
Using this type into SpinalHDL yields:
val myBool = Bool()
myBool := False // := is the assignment operator
myBool := Bool(false) // Use a Scala Boolean to create a literal
The following operators are available for the Bool
Operator |
Description |
Return type |
!x |
Logical NOT |
Bool |
x && y
x & y
Logical AND |
Bool |
x || y
x | y
Logical OR |
Bool |
x ^ y |
Logical XOR |
Bool |
x.set[()] |
Set x to True |
x.clear[()] |
Set x to False |
x.rise[()] |
Return True when x was low at the last cycle and is now high |
Bool |
x.rise(initAt : Bool) |
Same as x.rise but with a reset value |
Bool |
x.fall[()] |
Return True when x was high at the last cycle and is now low |
Bool |
x.fall(initAt : Bool) |
Same as x.fall but with a reset value |
Bool |
x.setWhen(cond) |
Set x when cond is True |
Bool |
x.clearWhen(cond) |
Clear x when cond is True |
Bool |
The BitVector family - (Bits
, UInt
, SInt
is a family of types for storing multiple bits of information in a single value. This type has three subtypes that can be used to model different behaviours:Bits
do not convey any sign information whereas the UInt
(unsigned integer) and SInt
(signed integer) provide the required operations to compute correct results if signed / unsigned arithmetic is used.Declaration syntax
Syntax |
Description |
Return |
Bits/UInt/SInt [()] |
Create a BitVector, bits count is inferred |
Bits/UInt/SInt |
Bits/UInt/SInt(x bits) |
Create a BitVector with x bits |
Bits/UInt/SInt |
B/U/S(value : Int[,width : BitCount]) |
Create a BitVector assigned with ‘value’ |
Bits/UInt/SInt |
B/U/S”[[size’]base]value” |
Create a BitVector assigned with ‘value’ |
Bits/UInt/SInt |
B/U/S([x bits], element, …) |
Create a BitVector assigned with the value specified by elements (see the table below) |
Bits/UInt/SInt |
Elements could be defined as follows:
Element syntax |
Description |
x : Int -> y : Boolean/Bool |
Set bit x with y |
x : Range -> y : Boolean/Bool |
Set each bits in range x with y |
x : Range -> y : T |
Set bits in range x with y |
x : Range -> y : String |
Set bits in range x with y
The string format follows the same rules as B/U/S”xyz” one
x : Range -> y : T |
Set bits in range x with y |
default -> y : Boolean/Bool |
Set all unconnected bits with the y value.
This feature can only be used to do assignments without the U/B/S prefix
You can define a Range values
Range syntax |
Description |
Width |
(x downto y) |
[x:y] x >= y |
x-y+1 |
(x to y) |
[x:y] x <= y |
y-x+1 |
(x until y) |
[x:y[ x < y |
y-x |
val myUInt = UInt(8 bits)
myUInt := U(2,8 bits)
myUInt := U(2)
myUInt := U"0000_0101" // Base per default is binary => 5
myUInt := U"h1A" // Base could be x (base 16)
// h (base 16)
// d (base 10)
// o (base 8)
// b (base 2)
myUInt := U"8'h1A"
myUInt := 2 // You can use scala Int as literal value
val myBool := myUInt === U(7 -> true,(6 downto 0) -> false)
val myBool := myUInt === U(myUInt.range -> true)
// For assignment purposes, you can omit the B/U/S, which also alow the use of the [default -> ???] feature
myUInt := (default -> true) // Assign myUInt with "11111111"
myUInt := (myUInt.range -> true) // Assign myUInt with "11111111"
myUInt := (7 -> true,default -> false) // Assign myUInt with "10000000"
myUInt := ((4 downto 1) -> true,default -> false) // Assign myUInt with "00011110"
Operator |
Description |
Return |
~x |
Bitwise NOT |
T(w(x) bits) |
x & y |
Bitwise AND |
T(max(w(x), w(y) bits) |
x | y |
Bitwise OR |
T(max(w(x), w(y) bits) |
x ^ y |
Bitwise XOR |
T(max(w(x), w(y) bits) |
x(y) |
Read bitfield, y : Int/UInt |
Bool |
x(hi,lo) |
Read bitfield, hi : Int, lo : Int |
T(hi-lo+1 bits) |
x(offset,width) |
Read bitfield, offset: UInt, width: Int |
T(width bits) |
x(y) := z |
Assign bits, y : Int/UInt |
Bool |
x(hi,lo) := z |
Assign bitfield, hi : Int, lo : Int |
T(hi-lo+1 bits) |
x(offset,width) := z |
Assign bitfield, offset: UInt, width: Int |
T(width bits) |
x.msb |
Return the most significant bit |
Bool |
x.lsb |
Return the least significant bit |
Bool |
x.range |
Return the range (x.high downto 0) |
Range |
x.high |
Return the upper bound of the type x |
Int |
x.xorR |
XOR all bits of x |
Bool |
x.orR |
OR all bits of x |
Bool |
x.andR |
AND all bits of x |
Bool |
x.clearAll[()] |
Clear all bits |
T |
x.setAll[()] |
Set all bits |
T |
x.setAllTo(value : Boolean) |
Set all bits to the given Boolean value |
x.setAllTo(value : Bool) |
Set all bits to the given Bool value |
x.asBools |
Cast into an array of Bool |
Vec(Bool(),width(x)) |
Masked comparison
Sometimes you need to check equality between a BitVector
and a bits constant that contain
holes defined as a bitmask (bit positions not to be compared by the equality expression).
An example demonstrating how to do that (note the use of ‘M’ prefix) :
val myBits = Bits(8 bits)
val itMatch = myBits === M"00--10--"
Operator |
Description |
Return |
x >> y |
Logical shift right, y : Int |
T(w(x) - y bits) |
x >> y |
Logical shift right, y : UInt |
T(w(x) bits) |
x << y |
Logical shift left, y : Int |
T(w(x) + y bits) |
x << y |
Logical shift left, y : UInt |
T(w(x) + max(y) bits) |
x.rotateLeft(y) |
Logical left rotation, y : UInt |
T(w(x)) |
x.resize(y) |
Return a resized copy of x, filled with zero bits as necessary at the MSB to widen, may also truncate width retaining at the LSB side, y : Int |
T(y bits) |
x.resizeLeft(y) |
Return a resized copy of x, filled with zero bits as necessary at the LSB to widen, may also truncate width retraining at the MSB side, y : Int |
T(y bits) |
UInt, SInt
Operator |
Description |
Return |
x + y |
Addition |
T(max(w(x), w(y) bits) |
x - y |
Subtraction |
T(max(w(x), w(y) bits) |
x * y |
Multiplication |
T(w(x) + w(y) bits) |
x > y |
Greater than |
Bool |
x >= y |
Greater than or equal |
Bool |
x < y |
Less than |
Bool |
x <= y |
Less than or equal |
Bool |
x >> y |
Arithmetic shift right, y : Int |
T(w(x) - y bits) |
x >> y |
Arithmetic shift right, y : UInt |
T(w(x) bits) |
x << y |
Arithmetic shift left, y : Int |
T(w(x) + y bits) |
x << y |
Arithmetic shift left, y : UInt |
T(w(x) + max(y) bits) |
x.resize(y) |
Return an arithmetic resized copy of x, y : Int |
T(y bits) |
Bool, Bits, UInt, SInt
Operator |
Description |
Return |
x.asBits |
Binary cast in Bits |
Bits(w(x) bits) |
x.asUInt |
Binary cast in UInt |
UInt(w(x) bits) |
x.asSInt |
Binary cast in SInt |
SInt(w(x) bits) |
x.asBool |
Binary cast in Bool |
Bool(x.lsb) |
Declaration |
Description |
Vec(type : Data, size : Int) |
Create a vector of size time the given type |
Vec(x,y,..) |
Create a vector where indexes point to given elements.
this construct supports mixed element width
Operator |
Description |
Return |
x(y) |
Read element y, y : Int/UInt |
T |
x(y) := z |
Assign element y with z, y : Int/UInt |
val myVecOfSInt = Vec(SInt(8 bits),2)
myVecOfSInt(0) := 2
myVecOfSInt(1) := myVecOfSInt(0) + 3
val myVecOfMixedUInt = Vec(UInt(3 bits), UInt(5 bits), UInt(8 bits))
val x,y,z = UInt(8 bits)
val myVecOf_xyz_ref = Vec(x,y,z)
for(element <- myVecOf_xyz_ref) {
element := 0 // Assign x,y,z with the value 0
myVecOf_xyz_ref(1) := 3 // Assign y with the value 3
Simple example (RGB/VGA)
The following example show an RGB bundle definition with some internal function.
case class RGB(channelWidth : Int) extends Bundle {
val red = UInt(channelWidth bits)
val green = UInt(channelWidth bits)
val blue = UInt(channelWidth bits)
def isBlack : Bool = red === 0 && green === 0 && blue === 0
def isWhite : Bool = {
val max = U((channelWidth-1 downto 0) -> true)
return red === max && green === max && blue === max
Then you can also incorporate a Bundle inside Bundle as deeply as you want:
case class VGA(channelWidth : Int) extends Bundle {
val hsync = Bool()
val vsync = Bool()
val color = RGB(channelWidth)
And finally instantiate your Bundles inside the hardware :
val vgaIn = VGA(8) // Create a RGB instance
val vgaOut = VGA(8)
vgaOut := vgaIn // Assign the whole bundle
vgaOut.color.green := 0 // Fix the green to zero
val vgaInRgbIsBlack = vgaIn.rgb.isBlack // Get if the vgaIn rgb is black
If you want to specify your bundle as an input or an output of a Component, you have to do it by the following way :
class MyComponent extends Component {
val io = Bundle {
val cmd = in(RGB(8)) // Don't forget the bracket around the bundle.
val rsp = out(RGB(8))
Interface example (APB)
If you want to define an interface, let’s imagine an APB interface, you can also use bundles :
class APB(addressWidth: Int,
dataWidth: Int,
selWidth : Int,
useSlaveError : Boolean) extends Bundle {
val PADDR = UInt(addressWidth bits)
val PSEL = Bits(selWidth bits)
val PENABLE = Bool()
val PREADY = Bool()
val PWRITE = Bool()
val PWDATA = Bits(dataWidth bits)
val PRDATA = Bits(dataWidth bits)
val PSLVERROR = if(useSlaveError) Bool() else null // This signal is created only when useSlaveError is true
// Example of usage :
val bus = APB(addressWidth = 8,
dataWidth = 32,
selWidth = 4,
useSlaveError = false)
One good practice is to group all construction parameters inside a configuration class. This could make the parametrization much easier later in your components, especially if you have to reuse the same configuration at multiple places. Also if one time you need to add another construction parameter, you will only have to add it into the configuration class and everywhere this one is instantiated:
case class APBConfig(addressWidth: Int,
dataWidth: Int,
selWidth : Int,
useSlaveError : Boolean)
class APB(val config: APBConfig) extends Bundle { // [val] config, make the configuration public
val PADDR = UInt(config.addressWidth bits)
val PSEL = Bits(config.selWidth bits)
val PENABLE = Bool()
val PREADY = Bool()
val PWRITE = Bool()
val PWDATA = Bits(config.dataWidth bits)
val PRDATA = Bits(config.dataWidth bits)
val PSLVERROR = if(config.useSlaveError) Bool() else null
// Example of usage
val apbConfig = APBConfig(addressWidth = 8,dataWidth = 32,selWidth = 4,useSlaveError = false)
val busA = APB(apbConfig)
val busB = APB(apbConfig)
Then at some points, you will probably need to use the APB bus as master or as slave interface of some components. To do that you can define some functions :
import spinal.core._
case class APBConfig(addressWidth: Int,
dataWidth: Int,
selWidth : Int,
useSlaveError : Boolean)
class APB(val config: APBConfig) extends Bundle {
val PADDR = UInt(config.addressWidth bits)
val PSEL = Bits(config.selWidth bits)
val PENABLE = Bool()
val PREADY = Bool()
val PWRITE = Bool()
val PWDATA = Bits(config.dataWidth bits)
val PRDATA = Bits(config.dataWidth bits)
val PSLVERROR = if(config.useSlaveError) Bool() else null
def asMaster(): this.type = {
if(config.useSlaveError) in(PSLVERROR)
def asSlave(): this.type = this.asMaster().flip() // Flip reverse all in out configuration.
// Example of usage
val apbConfig = APBConfig(addressWidth = 8,dataWidth = 32,selWidth = 4,useSlaveError = false)
val io = new Bundle {
val masterBus = APB(apbConfig).asMaster()
val slaveBus = APB(apbConfig).asSlave()
Then to make that better, the spinal.lib integrates a small master slave utility named IMasterSlave. When a bundle extends IMasterSlave, it should implement/override the asMaster function. It give you the ability to setup a master or a slave interface in a smoother way :
val apbConfig = APBConfig(addressWidth = 8,dataWidth = 32,selWidth = 4,useSlaveError = false)
val io = new Bundle {
val masterBus = master(apbConfig)
val slaveBus = slave(apbConfig)
An example of an APB bus that implement this IMasterSlave :
// You need to import spinal.lib._ to use IMasterSlave
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
case class APBConfig(addressWidth: Int,
dataWidth: Int,
selWidth : Int,
useSlaveError : Boolean)
class APB(val config: APBConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave {
val PADDR = UInt(addressWidth bits)
val PSEL = Bits(selWidth bits)
val PENABLE = Bool()
val PREADY = Bool()
val PWRITE = Bool()
val PWDATA = Bits(dataWidth bits)
val PRDATA = Bits(dataWidth bits)
val PSLVERROR = if(useSlaveError) Bool() else null // This signal is created only when useSlaveError is true
override def asMaster() : Unit = {
if(useSlaveError) in(PSLVERROR)
// The asSlave is by default the flipped version of asMaster.
SpinalHDL supports enumeration with some encodings :
Encoding |
Bit width |
Description |
native |
Use the VHDL enumeration system, this is the default encoding |
binarySequancial |
log2Up(stateCount) |
Use Bits to store states in declaration order (value from 0 to n-1) |
binaryOneHot |
stateCount |
Use Bits to store state. Each bit position corresponds to one state, only one bit is active at a time when encoded. |
Define an enumeration type:
object UartCtrlTxState extends SpinalEnum { // Or SpinalEnum(defaultEncoding=encodingOfYourChoice)
val sIdle, sStart, sData, sParity, sStop = newElement()
Instantiate a signal to store the enumeration encoded value and assign it a value :
val stateNext = UartCtrlTxState() // Or UartCtrlTxState(encoding=encodingOfYouChoice)
stateNext := UartCtrlTxState.sIdle
// You can also import the enumeration to have the visibility on its elements
import UartCtrlTxState._
stateNext := sIdle
Data (Bool, Bits, UInt, SInt, Enum, Bundle, Vec)
All hardware types extends the Data class, which mean that all of them provide following operators :
Operator |
Description |
Return |
x === y |
Equality |
Bool |
x =/= y |
Inequality |
Bool |
x.getWidth |
Return bitcount |
Int |
x ## y |
Concatenate, x->high, y->low |
Bits(width(x) + width(y) bits) |
Cat(x) |
Concatenate list, first element on lsb, x : Array[Data] |
Bits(sumOfWidth bits) |
Mux(cond,x,y) |
if cond ? x : y |
T(max(w(x), w(y) bits) |
x.asBits |
Cast in Bits |
Bits(width(x) bits) |
x.assignFromBits(bits) |
Assign from Bits |
x.assignFromBits(bits,hi,lo) |
Assign bitfield, hi : Int, lo : Int |
T(hi-lo+1 bits) |
x.assignFromBits(bits,offset,width) |
Assign bitfield, offset: UInt, width: Int |
T(width bits) |
x.getZero |
Get equivalent type assigned with zero |
T |
Literals as signal declaration
Literals are generally use as a constant value. But you can also use them to do two things in a single one :
Define a signal which is assigned with a constant value
Setup inferred type: UInt(4 bits)
Clock cycles where cond =/= True will result in the constant being reinstated
Clock cycles where cond === True will result in the signal having the value of red due to the last statement wins rule.
An example :
val cond = in Bool()
val red = in UInt(4 bits)
val valid = False // Bool signal which is by default assigned with False
val value = U"0100" // UInt signal of 4 bits which is by default assigned with 4
when(cond) {
valid := True
value := red
Continuous Assignment Literals as signal declaration
You can also use them in expressions to do three things at once :
Define a wire
Maintain the result of an equality operation in the hardware logic implementation with the constant value and another signal
Setup inferred type: Bool due to use of === equality operator having a result of type Bool
There is an example :
val done = Bool(False)
val blue = in UInt(4 bits)
val value = blue === U"0001" // inferred type is Bool due to use of === operator
when(value) {
done := True