SoC toplevel (Pinsec)
is a little SoC designed for FPGA. It is available in the SpinalHDL library and some documentation could be find there
Its toplevel implementation is an interesting example, because it is a mix some design patterns that make it very easy to modify. Adding a new master or a new peripheral to the bus fabric could be done with little effort.
The toplevel implementation could be consulted at the links here :
This is the Pinsec toplevel hardware diagram :
Defining all IO
val io = new Bundle {
// Clocks / reset
val asyncReset = in Bool()
val axiClk = in Bool()
val vgaClk = in Bool()
// Main components IO
val jtag = slave(Jtag())
val sdram = master(SdramInterface(IS42x320D.layout))
// Peripherals IO
val gpioA = master(TriStateArray(32 bits)) // Each pin has an individual output enable control
val gpioB = master(TriStateArray(32 bits))
val uart = master(Uart())
val vga = master(Vga(RgbConfig(5,6,5)))
Clock and resets
Pinsec has three clocks inputs :
And one reset input :
Which will finally give 5 ClockDomain (clock/reset couple) :
Name |
Clock |
Description |
resetCtrlClockDomain |
axiClock |
Used by the reset controller, Flops of this clock domain are initialized by the FPGA bitstream |
axiClockDomain |
axiClock |
Used by all component connected to the AXI and the APB interconnect |
coreClockDomain |
axiClock |
The only difference with the axiClockDomain, is the fact that the reset could also be asserted by the debug module |
vgaClockDomain |
vgaClock |
Used by the VGA controller backend as a pixel clock |
jtagClockDomain |
jtag.tck |
Used to clock the frontend of the JTAG controller |
Reset controller
First we need to define the reset controller clock domain, which has no reset signal, but use the FPGA bitstream loading to setup flip-flops.
val resetCtrlClockDomain = ClockDomain(
clock = io.axiClk,
config = ClockDomainConfig(
resetKind = BOOT
Then we can define a simple reset controller under this clock domain.
val resetCtrl = new ClockingArea(resetCtrlClockDomain) {
val axiResetUnbuffered = False
val coreResetUnbuffered = False
// Implement an counter to keep the reset axiResetOrder high 64 cycles
// Also this counter will automaticly do a reset when the system boot.
val axiResetCounter = Reg(UInt(6 bits)) init(0)
when(axiResetCounter =/= U(axiResetCounter.range -> true)) {
axiResetCounter := axiResetCounter + 1
axiResetUnbuffered := True
when(BufferCC(io.asyncReset)) {
axiResetCounter := 0
// When an axiResetOrder happen, the core reset will as well
when(axiResetUnbuffered) {
coreResetUnbuffered := True
// Create all reset used later in the design
val axiReset = RegNext(axiResetUnbuffered)
val coreReset = RegNext(coreResetUnbuffered)
val vgaReset = BufferCC(axiResetUnbuffered)
Clock domain setup for each system
Now that the reset controller is implemented, we can define clock domain for all sub-systems of Pinsec :
val axiClockDomain = ClockDomain(
clock = io.axiClk,
reset = resetCtrl.axiReset,
frequency = FixedFrequency(50 MHz) // The frequency information is used by the SDRAM controller
val coreClockDomain = ClockDomain(
clock = io.axiClk,
reset = resetCtrl.coreReset
val vgaClockDomain = ClockDomain(
clock = io.vgaClk,
reset = resetCtrl.vgaReset
val jtagClockDomain = ClockDomain(
clock = io.jtag.tck
Also all the core system of Pinsec will be defined into a axi
clocked area :
val axi = new ClockingArea(axiClockDomain) {
// Here will come the rest of Pinsec
Main components
Pinsec is constituted mainly by 4 main components :
One SDRAM controller
One on chip memory
One JTAG controller
The RISCV CPU used in Pinsec as many parametrization possibilities :
val core = coreClockDomain {
val coreConfig = CoreConfig(
pcWidth = 32,
addrWidth = 32,
startAddress = 0x00000000,
regFileReadyKind = sync,
branchPrediction = dynamic,
bypassExecute0 = true,
bypassExecute1 = true,
bypassWriteBack = true,
bypassWriteBackBuffer = true,
collapseBubble = false,
fastFetchCmdPcCalculation = true,
dynamicBranchPredictorCacheSizeLog2 = 7
// The CPU has a systems of plugin which allow to add new feature into the core.
// Those extension are not directly implemented into the core, but are kind of additive logic patch defined in a separated area.
coreConfig.add(new MulExtension)
coreConfig.add(new DivExtension)
coreConfig.add(new BarrelShifterFullExtension)
val iCacheConfig = InstructionCacheConfig(
cacheSize =4096,
bytePerLine =32,
wayCount = 1, // Can only be one for the moment
wrappedMemAccess = true,
addressWidth = 32,
cpuDataWidth = 32,
memDataWidth = 32
// There is the instantiation of the CPU by using all those construction parameters
new RiscvAxi4(
coreConfig = coreConfig,
iCacheConfig = iCacheConfig,
dCacheConfig = null,
debug = true,
interruptCount = 2
On chip RAM
The instantiation of the AXI4 on chip RAM is very simple.
In fact it’s not an AXI4 but an Axi4Shared, which mean that a ARW channel replace the AR and AW ones. This solution uses less area while being fully interoperable with full AXI4.
val ram = Axi4SharedOnChipRam(
dataWidth = 32,
byteCount = 4 KiB,
idWidth = 4 // Specify the AXI4 ID width.
SDRAM controller
First you need to define the layout and timings of your SDRAM device. On the DE1-SOC, the SDRAM device is an IS42x320D one.
object IS42x320D {
def layout = SdramLayout(
bankWidth = 2,
columnWidth = 10,
rowWidth = 13,
dataWidth = 16
def timingGrade7 = SdramTimings(
bootRefreshCount = 8,
tPOW = 100 us,
tREF = 64 ms,
tRC = 60 ns,
tRFC = 60 ns,
tRAS = 37 ns,
tRP = 15 ns,
tRCD = 15 ns,
cMRD = 2,
tWR = 10 ns,
cWR = 1
Then you can used those definition to parametrize the SDRAM controller instantiation.
val sdramCtrl = Axi4SharedSdramCtrl(
axiDataWidth = 32,
axiIdWidth = 4,
layout = IS42x320D.layout,
timing = IS42x320D.timingGrade7,
CAS = 3
JTAG controller
The JTAG controller could be used to access memories and debug the CPU from an PC.
val jtagCtrl = JtagAxi4SharedDebugger(SystemDebuggerConfig(
memAddressWidth = 32,
memDataWidth = 32,
remoteCmdWidth = 1,
jtagClockDomain = jtagClockDomain
Pinsec has some integrated peripherals :
val gpioACtrl = Apb3Gpio(
gpioWidth = 32
val gpioBCtrl = Apb3Gpio(
gpioWidth = 32
The Pinsec timer module consists of :
One prescaler
One 32 bits timer
Three 16 bits timers
All of them are packed into the PinsecTimerCtrl component.
val timerCtrl = PinsecTimerCtrl()
UART controller
First we need to define a configuration for our UART controller :
val uartCtrlConfig = UartCtrlMemoryMappedConfig(
uartCtrlConfig = UartCtrlGenerics(
dataWidthMax = 8,
clockDividerWidth = 20,
preSamplingSize = 1,
samplingSize = 5,
postSamplingSize = 2
txFifoDepth = 16,
rxFifoDepth = 16
Then we can use it to instantiate the UART controller
val uartCtrl = Apb3UartCtrl(uartCtrlConfig)
VGA controller
First we need to define a configuration for our VGA controller :
val vgaCtrlConfig = Axi4VgaCtrlGenerics(
axiAddressWidth = 32,
axiDataWidth = 32,
burstLength = 8, // In Axi words
frameSizeMax = 2048*1512*2, // In byte
fifoSize = 512, // In axi words
rgbConfig = RgbConfig(5,6,5),
vgaClock = vgaClockDomain
Then we can use it to instantiate the VGA controller
val vgaCtrl = Axi4VgaCtrl(vgaCtrlConfig)
Bus interconnects
There is three interconnections components :
AXI4 crossbar
AXI4 to APB3 bridge
APB3 decoder
AXI4 to APB3 bridge
This bridge will be used to connect low bandwidth peripherals to the AXI crossbar.
val apbBridge = Axi4SharedToApb3Bridge(
addressWidth = 20,
dataWidth = 32,
idWidth = 4
AXI4 crossbar
The AXI4 crossbar that interconnect AXI4 masters and slaves together is generated by using an factory.
The concept of this factory is to create it, then call many function on it to configure it, and finally call
the build
function to ask the factory to generate the corresponding hardware :
val axiCrossbar = Axi4CrossbarFactory()
// Where you will have to call function the the axiCrossbar factory to populate its configuration
First you need to populate slaves interfaces :
// Slave -> (base address, size) ,
axiCrossbar.addSlaves( -> (0x00000000L, 4 KiB), -> (0x40000000L, 64 MiB), -> (0xF0000000L, 1 MiB)
Then you need to populate a matrix of interconnections between slaves and masters (this sets up visibility) :
// Master -> List of slaves which are accessible
axiCrossbar.addConnections( -> List(,, -> List(,,, -> List(,,, -> List(
Then to reduce combinatorial path length and have a good design FMax, you can ask the factory to insert pipelining stages between itself a given master or slave :
/ >> / << / >/-> in the following code are provided by the Stream bus library.// Pipeline the connection between the crossbar and the
axiCrossbar.addPipelining(,(crossbar,bridge) => {
crossbar.sharedCmd.halfPipe() >> bridge.sharedCmd
crossbar.writeData.halfPipe() >> bridge.writeData
crossbar.writeRsp << bridge.writeRsp
crossbar.readRsp << bridge.readRsp
// Pipeline the connection between the crossbar and the
axiCrossbar.addPipelining(,(crossbar,ctrl) => {
crossbar.sharedCmd.halfPipe() >> ctrl.sharedCmd
crossbar.writeData >/-> ctrl.writeData
crossbar.writeRsp << ctrl.writeRsp
crossbar.readRsp << ctrl.readRsp
APB3 decoder
The interconnection between the APB3 bridge and all peripherals is done via an APB3Decoder :
val apbDecoder = Apb3Decoder(
master =,
slaves = List( -> (0x00000, 4 KiB), -> (0x01000, 4 KiB), -> (0x10000, 4 KiB), -> (0x20000, 4 KiB), -> (0x30000, 4 KiB), -> (0xF0000, 4 KiB)
To connect all toplevel IO to components, the following code is required :
io.gpioA <>
io.gpioB <>
io.jtag <>
io.uart <>
io.sdram <>
io.vga <>
And finally some connections between components are required like interrupts and core debug module resets := := := resetCtrl.axiReset
when( {
resetCtrl.coreResetUnbuffered := True