You're reading an pre-release version of this documentation.
For the latest stable release version, please have a look at master.


SpinalHDL uses two licenses, one for spinal.core and one for spinal.lib and everything else in the repository.

spinal.core (the compiler) is under the LGPL license, which can be summarized as follows:

  • You can make money with your SpinalHDL description and its generated RTL.

  • You don’t have to share your SpinalHDL description and its generated RTL.

  • There are no fees and no royalties.

  • If your make improvements to the SpinalHDL core, and you wish to redistribute those modifications, you have to share those modifications to make the tool better for everybody.

spinal.lib (a general purpose library of components/tools/interfaces) is under the permissive MIT license so you do not have to share it, even if contributions are really appreciated.