Formal verification
SpinalHDL allows to generate a subset of the SystemVerilog Assertions (SVA). Mostly assert, assume, cover and a few others.
In addition it provide a formal verification backend which allows to directly run the formal verification in the open-source Symbi-Yosys toolchain.
Formal backend
You can run the formal verification of a component via:
import spinal.core.formal._
FormalConfig.withBMC(15).doVerify(new Component {
// Toplevel to verify
Currently, 3 modes are supported :
Installing requirements
To install the Symbi-Yosys, you have a few options. You can fetch a precompiled package at: (EOL - superseded by oss-cad-suite)
Or you can compile things from scratch :
External assertions
Here is an example of a simple counter and the corresponding formal testbench.
import spinal.core._
// Here is our DUT
class LimitedCounter extends Component {
// The value register will always be between [2:10]
val value = Reg(UInt(4 bits)) init(2)
when(value < 10) {
value := value + 1
object LimitedCounterFormal extends App {
// import utilities to run the formal verification, but also some utilities to describe formal stuff
import spinal.core.formal._
// Here we run a formal verification which will explore the state space up to 15 cycles to find an assertion failure
FormalConfig.withBMC(15).doVerify(new Component {
// Instantiate our LimitedCounter DUT as a FormalDut, which ensure that all the outputs of the dut are:
// - directly and indirectly driven (no latch / no floating signal)
// - allows the current toplevel to read every signal across the hierarchy
val dut = FormalDut(new LimitedCounter())
// Ensure that the state space start with a proper reset
// Check a few things
assert(dut.value >= 2)
assert(dut.value <= 10)
Internal assertions
If you want you can embed formal statements directly into the DUT:
class LimitedCounterEmbedded extends Component {
val value = Reg(UInt(4 bits)) init(2)
when(value < 10) {
value := value + 1
// That code block will not be in the SpinalVerilog netlist by default. (would need to enable SpinalConfig().includeFormal. ...
GenerationFlags.formal {
assert(value >= 2)
assert(value <= 10)
object LimitedCounterEmbeddedFormal extends App {
import spinal.core.formal._
FormalConfig.withBMC(15).doVerify(new Component {
val dut = FormalDut(new LimitedCounterEmbedded())
External stimulus
If your DUT has inputs, you need to drive them from the testbench. You can use all the regular hardware statements to do it, but you can also use the formal anyseq, anyconst, allseq, allconst statement:
class LimitedCounterInc extends Component {
// Only increment the value when the inc input is set
val inc = in Bool()
val value = Reg(UInt(4 bits)) init(2)
when(inc && value < 10) {
value := value + 1
object LimitedCounterIncFormal extends App {
import spinal.core.formal._
FormalConfig.withBMC(15).doVerify(new Component {
val dut = FormalDut(new LimitedCounterInc())
assert(dut.value >= 2)
assert(dut.value <= 10)
// Drive with random values
More assertions / past
For instance we can check that the value is counting up (if not already at 10):
FormalConfig.withBMC(15).doVerify(new Component {
val dut = FormalDut(new LimitedCounter())
// Check that the value is incrementing.
// hasPast is used to ensure that the past(dut.value) had at least one sampling out of reset
when(pastValid() && past(dut.value) =/= 10) {
assert(dut.value === past(dut.value) + 1)
Assuming memory content
Here is an example where we want to prevent the value 1
from ever being present in a memory :
class DutWithRam extends Component {
val ram = Mem.fill(4)(UInt(8 bits))
val write = slave(ram.writePort)
val read = slave(ram.readAsyncPort)
object FormalRam extends App {
import spinal.core.formal._
FormalConfig.withBMC(15).doVerify(new Component {
val dut = FormalDut(new DutWithRam())
// assume that no word in the ram has the value 1
for(i <- 0 until dut.ram.wordCount) {
assumeInitial(dut.ram(i) =/= 1)
// Allow the write anything but value 1 in the ram
clockDomain.withoutReset() { // As the memory write can occur during reset, we need to ensure the assume apply there too
assume( =/= 1)
// Check that no word in the ram is set to 1
assert( =/= 1)
Utilities and primitives
Assertions / clock / reset
Assertions are always clocked and disabled during resets. This also apply for assumes and covers.
If you want to keep your assertion enabled during reset you can do:
ClockDomain.current.withoutReset() {
assert(wuff === 0)
Specifying the initial value of a signal
For instance, for the reset signal of the current clockdomain (useful at the top)
ClockDomain.current.readResetWire initial(False)
Specifying a initial assumption
Memory content (Mem)
If you have a Mem in your design, and you want to check its content, you can do it the following ways :
// Manual access
for(i <- 0 until dut.ram.wordCount) {
assumeInitial(dut.ram(i) =/= X) // No occurrence of the word X
assumeInitial(!dut.ram.formalContains(X)) // No occurrence of the word X
assumeInitial(dut.ram.formalCount(X) === 1) // only one occurrence of the word X
Specifying assertion in the reset scope
ClockDomain.current.duringReset {
assume(rawrrr === 0)
assume(wuff === 3)
Formal primitives
past(that : T, delay : Int)
past(that : T)
delayed bydelay
cycles. (default 1 cycle)
rose(that : Bool)
Return True when
transitioned from False to True
fell(that : Bool)
Return True when
transitioned from True to False
changed(that : Bool)
Return True when
current value changed between compared to the last cycle
stable(that : Bool)
Return True when
current value didn’t changed between compared to the last cycle
Return True the first cycle
Returns True when the past value is valid (False on the first cycle). Recommended to be used with each application of
Similar to
, where only difference is that this would take reset into account. Can be understood aspastValid & past(!reset)
Note that you can use the init statement on past:
when(past(enable) init(False)) { ... }
There is no support for unclocked assertions. But their usage in third party formal verification examples seems mostly code style related.
Naming polices
All formal validation related functions return Area or Composite (preferred), and naming as formalXXXX.
can be used to create formal related logic, there could be formalAsserts
, formalAssumes
and formalCovers
in it.
For Component
The minimum required assertions internally in a Component
for “prove” can be named as formalAsserts
For interfaces implement IMasterSlave
There could be functions in name formalAssertsMaster
, formalAssertsSlave
, formalAssumesMaster
, formalAssumesSlave
or formalCovers
Master/Slave are target interface type, so that formalAssertsMaster
can be understand as “formal verification assertions for master interface”.