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Branch Prediction

The branch prediction is implemented as follow :

  • During fetch, a BTB, GShare, RAS memory is used to provide an early branch prediction (BtbPlugin / GSharePlugin)

  • In Decode, the DecodePredictionPlugin will ensure that no “none jump/branch instruction”” predicted as a jump/branch continues down the pipeline.

  • In Execute, the prediction made is checked and eventually corrected. Also a stream of data is generated to feed the BTB / GShare memories with good data to learn.

Here is a diagram of the whole architecture :


While it would have been possible in the decode stage to correct some miss prediction from the BTB / RAS, it isn’t done to improve timings and reduce Area.


Will :

  • Implement a branch target buffer in the fetch pipeline

  • Implement a return address stack buffer

  • Predict which slices of the fetched word are the last slice of a branch/jump

  • Predict the branch/jump target

  • Predict if the given instruction is a branch, a jump or something else

  • Predict if the given instruction should push or pop the RAS (Return Address Stack)

  • Use the FetchConditionalPrediction plugin (GSharePlugin) to know if branch should be taken

  • Apply the prediction (flush + pc update + history update)

  • Learn using the LearnPlugin interface. Only learn on misprediction. To avoid write to read hazard, the fetch stage is blocked when it learn.

  • Implement “ways” named chunks which are statically assigned to groups of word’s slices, allowing to predict multiple branch/jump present in the same word


Note that it may help to not make the BTB learn when there has been a non-taken branch.

  • The BTB don’t need to predict non-taken branch

  • Keep the BTB entry for something more usefull

  • For configs in which multiple instruction can reside in a single fetch word (ex dual issue with RVC), multiple branch/jump instruction can reside in a single fetch word => need for compromises, and hope that some of the branch/jump in the chunk are rarely taken.


Will :

  • Implement a FetchConditionalPrediction (GShare flavor)

  • Learn using the LearnPlugin interface. Write to read hazard are handled via a bypass

  • Will not apply the prediction via flush / pc change, another plugin will do that (ex : BtbPlugin)

Note that one of the current issue with GShare, is that it take quite a few iterations to learn (depending the branch history)


The purpose of this plugin is to ensure that no branch/jump prediction was made for non branch/jump instructions. In case this is detected, the plugin will :

  • schedule a “REDO trap” which will flush everything and make the CPU jump to the failed instruction

  • Make the predictor skip the first incoming prediction

  • Make the predictor unlearn the prediction entry which failed


Placed in the execute pipeline, it will ensure that the branch predictions were correct, else it correct them. It also generate a learn interface to feed the LearnPlugin.


This plugin will collect all the learn interface (generated by the BranchPlugin) and produce a single stream of learn interface for the BtbPlugin / GShare plugin to use.