The execute pipeline is composed by many plugins, here is a diagram to illustrate the flow of instructions through them :
Many of the plugins operating in the execute stage aren’t directly implementing instructions, but instead provide some infrastructure which will be used to do so.
Provide the pipeline framework for all the execute related hardware with the following specificities :
For flow control, the lanes can only freeze the whole pipeline
The pipeline do not collapse bubbles (a bubble is a stage with no instruction at a given cycle)
Implement an execution lane in the ExecutePipelinePlugin :
Read the register files
Implement the register files write to read bypasses networks
Provide a pipelining API built on the top ExecutePipelinePlugin. That API allows to operate in the given lane.
Implement one register file, with the possibility to create new read / write port on demands.
Provide some integer values to instruction which can mux between RS1/RS2 and multiple RISC-V instruction’s literal values :
SRC1 can be : RS1 or U literal
SRC2 can be : RS1 or PC or I or S literal
It also provide the hardware for a :
Used by mul/div in order to get an unsigned RS1/RS2 value early in the pipeline
Allows plugins to sign extends their result values using a shared hardware. It uses the WriteBackPlugin to write its results back to the register file.
Used by plugins to inject results into the pipeline, which will then be written into the register file.
Will collect all interface which provide jump/branch learning interfaces to aggregate them into a single one, which will then be used by branch prediction plugins to learn.
Some plugins just focus on implementing the CPU instructions.
Implement the arithmetic, binary and literal instructions (ADD, SUB, AND, OR, LUI, …)
Implement the shift instructions in a non-blocking way (no iterations). Fast but “heavy”.
Will :
Implement branch/jump instruction
Correct the PC / History in the case the branch prediction was wrong
Provide a learn interface to the LearnPlugin
Implement multiplication operation using partial multiplications and then summing their result
Done over multiple stage
Can optionally extends the last stage for one cycle in order to buffer the MULH bits
Implement the division/remain instructions
Can be configured in Radix 2/4 (1/ bits per cycle are solved)
When it start, it scan for the numerator leading bits for 0, and can skip dividing them (can skip blocks of XLEN/4)
Implement load / store through a cacheless memory bus
Will fork the cmd as soon as fork stage is valid (with no flush)
Handle backpressure by using a little fifo on the response data
More information in the Memory (LSU) chapter
Implement load / store through a l1 cache.
More information in the Memory (LSU) chapter
Some implement CSR, privileges and special instructions
Implement the CSR read and write instruction
Provide an API for other plugins to specify its hardware mapping
Implement a shared on chip ram
Provide an API which allows to statically allocate space on it
Provide an API to create read / write ports on it
Used by various plugins to store the CSR contents in a FPGA efficient way
Implement the RISC-V privileged spec
Use the CsrRamPlugin to implement various CSR as MTVAL, MTVEC, MEPC, MSCRATCH, …
Implement the trap buffer / FSM
The FSM implement the core logic of many special instructions (MRET, SRET, ECALL, EBREAK, FENCE.I, WFI, …)
Also allows the CPU pipeline to emit hardware traps to re-execute (REDO) the current instruction or to jump to the next one after a full pipeline flush (NEXT).
the REDO hardware trap is used by I$ D$ miss, the DecodePlugin when it detect a illegal branch prediction
the NEXT hardware trap is used by the CsrAccessPlugin when a state change require a full CPU flush
Implement the privileged performance counters in a FPGA friendly way :
Use the CsrRamPlugin to store 57 bits for each performance counter
Use a dedicated 7 bits hardware register per counter
Once that 7 bits register MSB is set, a FSM will flush it into the CsrRamPlugin
Implement a few instructions as MRET, SRET, ECALL, EBREAK, FENCE.I, WFI by producing hardware traps
Those hardware trap are then handled in the TrapPlugin FSM