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VexRiscv is based on a few tools / API

  • Scala : Which will take care of the elaboration

  • SpinalHDL : Which provide a hardware description API

  • Plugin : Which are used to inject hardware in the CPU. Plugins can discover each others.

  • Fiber : Which allows to define elaboration threads (used in the plugins)

  • Retainer : Which allows to block the execution of the elaboration threads waiting on it

  • Database : Which specify a shared scope for all the plugins to share elaboration time stuff

  • spinal.lib.misc.pipeline : Which allow to pipeline things in a very dynamic manner.

  • spinal.lib.logic : Which provide the Quine McCluskey algorithm to generate logic decoders from the elaboration time specifications

Scala / SpinalHDL

VexiiRiscv is implemented in Scala and use SpinalHDL to generate hardware.

Scala is a general purpose programming language (like C/C++/Java/Rust/…). Staticaly typed, with a garbage collector. This combination allows to goes way beyond what regular HDL allows in terms of hardware elaboration time capabilities.

You can find some documentation about SpinalHDL here :


One of the main aspect of VexiiRiscv is that all its hardware is defined inside plugins. When you want to instantiate a VexiiRiscv CPU, you “only” need to provide a list of plugins as parameters. So, plugins can be seen as both parameters and hardware definition from a VexiiRiscv perspective.

So it is quite different from the regular HDL component/module paradigm. Here are the advantagesof this approach :

  • The CPU can be extended without modifying its core source code, just add a new plugin in the parameters

  • You can swap a specific implementation for another just by swapping plugin in the parameter list. (ex branch prediction, mul/div, …)

  • It is decentralized by nature, you don’t have a fat toplevel of doom, software interface between plugins can be used to negotiate things during elaboration time.

The plugins can fork elaboration threads which cover 2 phases :

  • setup phase : where plugins can acquire elaboration locks on each others

  • build phase : where plugins can negotiate between each others and generate hardware

Simple all-in-one example

Here is a simple example :

import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib.misc.plugin._
import vexiiriscv._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

// Define a new plugin kind
class FixedOutputPlugin extends FiberPlugin{
  // Define a build phase elaboration thread
  val logic = during build new Area{
    val port = out UInt(8 bits)
    port := 42

object Gen extends App{
  // Generate the verilog
    val plugins = ArrayBuffer[FiberPlugin]()
    plugins += new FixedOutputPlugin()

Will generate

module VexiiRiscv (
  output wire [7:0]    FixedOutputPlugin_logic_port

  assign FixedOutputPlugin_logic_port = 8'h42;


Negotiation example

Here is a example where there a plugin which count the number of hardware event coming from other plugins :

import spinal.core._
import spinal.core.fiber.Retainer
import spinal.lib.misc.plugin._
import spinal.lib.CountOne
import vexiiriscv._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

class EventCounterPlugin extends FiberPlugin{
  val lock = Retainer() // Will allow other plugins to block the elaboration of "logic" thread
  val events = ArrayBuffer[Bool]() // Will allow other plugins to add event sources
  val logic = during build new Area {
    lock.await() // Active blocking
    val counter = Reg(UInt(32 bits)) init(0)
    counter := counter + CountOne(events)

// For the demo we want to be able to instantiate this plugin multiple times, so we add a prefix parameter
class EventSourcePlugin(prefix : String) extends FiberPlugin{

  // Create a thread starting from the setup phase (this allow to run some code before the build phase, and so lock some other plugins retainers)
  val logic = during setup new Area {
    val ecp = host[EventCounterPlugin] // Search for the single instance of EventCounterPlugin in the plugin pool
    // Generate a lock to prevent the EventCounterPlugin elaboration until we release it.
    // this will allow us to add our localEvent to the list
    val ecpLocker = ecp.lock()

    // Wait for the build phase before generating any hardware

    // Here the local event is a input of the VexiiRiscv toplevel (just for the demo)
    val localEvent = in Bool() += localEvent

    // As everything is done, we now allow the ecp to elaborate itself

object Gen extends App {
  SpinalVerilog {
    val plugins = ArrayBuffer[FiberPlugin]()
    plugins += new EventCounterPlugin()
    plugins += new EventSourcePlugin("lane0")
    plugins += new EventSourcePlugin("lane1")
module VexiiRiscv (
  input  wire          lane0_EventSourcePlugin_logic_localEvent,
  input  wire          lane1_EventSourcePlugin_logic_localEvent,
  input  wire          clk,
  input  wire          reset

  wire       [31:0]   _zz_EventCounterPlugin_logic_counter;
  reg        [1:0]    _zz_EventCounterPlugin_logic_counter_1;
  wire       [1:0]    _zz_EventCounterPlugin_logic_counter_2;
  reg        [31:0]   EventCounterPlugin_logic_counter;

  assign _zz_EventCounterPlugin_logic_counter = {30'd0, _zz_EventCounterPlugin_logic_counter_1};
  assign _zz_EventCounterPlugin_logic_counter_2 = {lane1_EventSourcePlugin_logic_localEvent,lane0_EventSourcePlugin_logic_localEvent};
  always @(*) begin
      2'b00 : _zz_EventCounterPlugin_logic_counter_1 = 2'b00;
      2'b01 : _zz_EventCounterPlugin_logic_counter_1 = 2'b01;
      2'b10 : _zz_EventCounterPlugin_logic_counter_1 = 2'b01;
      default : _zz_EventCounterPlugin_logic_counter_1 = 2'b10;

  always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
    if(reset) begin
      EventCounterPlugin_logic_counter <= 32'h00000000;
    end else begin
      EventCounterPlugin_logic_counter <= (EventCounterPlugin_logic_counter + _zz_EventCounterPlugin_logic_counter);



Quite a few things behave kinda like variable specific for each VexiiRiscv instance. For instance XLEN, PC_WIDTH, INSTRUCTION_WIDTH, …

So they are end up with things that we would like to share between plugins of a given VexiiRiscv instance with the minimum code possible to keep things slim. For that, a “database” was added. You can see it in the VexRiscv toplevel :

class VexiiRiscv extends Component{
  val database = new Database
  val host = database on (new PluginHost)

What it does is that all the plugin thread will run in the context of that database. Allowing the following patterns :

import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib.misc.plugin._
import spinal.lib.misc.database.Database.blocking
import vexiiriscv._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

object Global extends AreaObject{
  val VIRTUAL_WIDTH = blocking[Int] // If accessed while before being set, it will actively block (until set by another thread)

class LoadStorePlugin extends FiberPlugin{
  val logic = during build new Area{
    val register = Reg(UInt(Global.VIRTUAL_WIDTH bits))

class MmuPlugin extends FiberPlugin{
  val logic = during build new Area{

object Gen extends App{
    val plugins = ArrayBuffer[FiberPlugin]()
    plugins += new LoadStorePlugin()
    plugins += new MmuPlugin()

Pipeline API

In short, the design use a pipeline API in order to :

  • Propagate data into the pipeline automatically

  • Allow design space exploration with less paine (retiming, moving around the architecture)

  • Reduce boiler plate code

More documentation about it in :